Page 55 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 2
P. 55

STS452 Joseph M.
            output  of  any  given  sector.  The  decomposition  within  the  input–output
            analysis framework provides a facility to discern the length of the production
            chain,  degree  of  the  distribution  of  the  production  process  globally
            (production sharing), and position of an economy or sector in the production
            sequence  of  a  commodity.  Crucially,  by  identifying  and  quantifying  the
            contribution (value added) of each economy or sector in the production of a
            commodity, the value added decomposition permits the measurement of the
            benefits accruing to the sector or economy as a result of participating in the
            production,  and  trade,  of  the  commodity.  In  terms  of  standard  System  of
            National Accounts concepts, the net benefit (or income or value) accruing to
            an economy or sector in order for it to be counted in as part of GDP is the
            value added. The value added approach can succinctly be encapsulated in the
            input–output framework tracing both the sector or economy contribution to
            the full set of production processes (forward linkages) and contributions of all
            the  sectors  or  economies  to  the  production  process  of  a  given  sector
            (backward linkages). An abstract technical coefficient matrix and its Leontief
            inverse are presented in Figure 4.2. To recapitulate, each term in the Leontief
            inverse, or total requirements matrix, of the technical coefficient matrix of an
            economy  shows  how  much  of  sector  i’s  output  is  needed  to  meet  the
            economy’s productive, direct and indirect, requirements to supply one unit
            value of the final demand, including exports, for the output of sector j. The
            column j thus gives the total requirements by the producing sector for all the
            intermediates needed to produce output Xj of sector j in order to meet an
            additional unit value of the final demand for the product of sector j. Row i
            shows  the  total  amount  of  the  output  of  sector  i  needed,  directly  and
            indirectly, by the economy to meet the final demand for the product of each
            sector j. Since each element in the matrix is given in terms of output of sector
            i,  it  can  be  converted  into  value  added  terms  by  multiplying  it  by  the
            proportion of value added, Vi, embedded in the products as shown in Figure
            4.3. However, as discussed above, the total value added, even at the sector
            level, translates into final use or final demand. Thus, the column sum of the
            value added embedded in each term of the total requirement matrix is equal
            to  the  final  demand  for  a  sector’s  output,  which  is  unity  by  definition.
            Extending  this  mathematical  formulation  and  multiplying  the  total
            requirement matrix of value added (VB) by the matrix of actual level of final
            demand for each sector’s product Y results in a matrix (VBY) that provides a
            framework  for  decomposing  the  final  demand  of  a  sector’s  product  into
            various, economy-sector-specific, value added components (Figure 4.4).

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