Page 17 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 17

STS513 Wilma A. G. et al.
            3.  Result
                The  assessment  made  on  the  availability  of  the  SDG  indicators  in  the
            Philippines  showed  that  out  of  232  unique  indicators,  93  indicators  were
            classified  as  Tier  1  indicators,  55  were  Tier  2  indicators,  71  were  Tier  3
            indicators and 13 indicators were not applicable to the country.
                Among the Tier 1 indicators, around 32% will be sourced from PSA surveys,
            censuses and administrative data, 67% will be sourced from the surveys and
            administrative data of other government agencies and 1% will be sourced
            from the data of the International Agencies.
                The  mapping  initiative paved  a  way  on  the  approval  of  the PSA  Board
            Resolution No 09 Series of 2017- Approving and Adopting the Initial List of
            Sustainable  Development  Goals  for  Initial  Monitoring,  reinforcing  the
            importance to provide statistical information to monitor achievement of SDGs
            to  the  155  Philippine  SDG  indicators,  which  includes  102  global  SDG
            indicators, along with 25 proxy indicators and 28 supplemental indicators.
                Similarly, among the Philippine SDG Indicators, 33% will be coming from
            the PSA, 66% from other government agencies and 1% from other sources. In
            terms of the sources of the primary data, 66% of the Philippine SDG indicators
            will be from administrative data, 23% from survey, 5% from the combination
            of the administrative data and survey and 6% from the combination of the
            administrative data and census. Looking at the available disaggregation, 66%
            of the indicators are available at the regional level, 42% are available at the
            provincial level and 84% can be disaggregated by sex.
                The mapping exercise of the Philippine SDG indicators and the PDP Results
            Matrix (PDP-RM) showed that 68 out of the 155 approved SDG indicators were
            integrated in the PDP-RM.
                In  recognition  of  the  need  to  facilitate  sub-national  comparisons  in
            monitoring the achievement of the SDGs, there were 14 goals. 42 targets and
            68 indicators identified as the initial CoRe-SDGIs, which will be monitored by
            all the regions.
                Linking the Philippine SDG Indicators with the sub-national SDG Indicator
            Framework, of the 155 Philippine SDG indicators, on the average, there were
            68 indicators that were available in Region XI (Davao Region), while on the
            average, there were 66 provincial SDG indicators. Drilling down to the city and
            municipal level, on average, there were 57 indicators that were available at the
            city and municipal level.
                Examining the integration of the SDG indicators to the local development
            plans, of the 68 integrated SDG indicators in the PDP RM, 34 were included in
            the Regional Development Plan RM, while on the average, there were 28 SDG
            indicators integrated in the provincial development plan.
                In  Central  Luzon,  there  were  95  indicators  that  were  available  at  the
            regional level. It can be noticed that the Central Luzon had higher number of

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