Page 22 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 22
STS513 Jessa S. L. et al.
subnational level was also conducted in selected highly urbanized cities
through consultative meetings with the local government officials.
3. Result and Discussion
As a result of the comprehensive study and consultative meetings
conducted, three recommendations have been proposed: (1) adopt the global
the definitions; (2) introduce proxy indicators and sub-indicators; and (3)
exclude the indicators for the Philippine SDG monitoring.
Out of the 33 indicators, 17 were recommended to adopt the global
definitions. That is, these indicators can be operationalized at the Philippine
context based on the existing metadata established at the global level. Table
1 lists down the matched indicators with the respective sources proposed by
the researchers.
Most of the recommended data sources already produce official statistics
which collection and monitoring have long been established in the country.
However, for some national surveys identified as possible sources of data,
additional modules will be included to obtain the data requirements at the
global level. Some of the proposed sources may already be existing, but there
is still a need to institutionalize these to ensure regular collection of data.
Table 1. Matched Indicators and their Proposed Sources
Indicator Proposed Sources
Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture
2.1.1 Prevalence of undernourishment Department of Science and
Technology (DOST): National
Consumption Survey (NNS) –
Food Consumption Survey
(FCS) Module
2.5.2 Proportion of local breeds PSA
classified as being at risk, not-at-risk
or at unknown level of risk
2.a.1 The agriculture 1) Commission on Audit (COA):
orientation index for Audited Financial Reports
government expenditures 2) Department of Budget and
Management (DBM): Budget of
Expenditures and Sources of
Financing (BFSE)
3) PSA:
National Accounts of the
Philippines (NAP)
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