Page 253 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 253

STS 543 Luís T. D. et al.
                             Figure 3 – Summary of the Recommendation

                According to the Recommendation, “Banco de Portugal shall monitor the
            implementation of this Recommendation at least once a year as well as the
            evolution of credit agreements for consumers excluded from the scope of this
            Recommendation.” In previous years, the compliance with a Recommendation
            such  as  this  one  would  have  to  be  done  via  an  annual  ad  hoc  request
            addressed to all credit institutions, or, alternatively, directed to only a sample
            of institutions with the inherent negative impact on the preservation of a level
            playing field amongst credit institutions in Portugal. Presently, the universal
            coverage of the CCR, together with the level of detailed information (given the
            number of attributes) available on a loan-by-loan basis, allows the Bank to
            assess  the  compliance  with  the  Recommendation  for  all  credit  institutions
            without needing to set up a dedicated report to obtain additional information
            from them.
                Furthermore, CCR data allow a more in-depth analysis that makes it
            possible for the Bank to calibrate the Recommendation almost in real time,
            should the need arises, rather than having to wait several months to receive
            ad hoc information from the credit institutions to conduct such analyses.

            4.  Final Remarks
                The development of the new Portuguese CCR was a major challenge, given
            the ambitious objectives set for this project – inter alia, to act as the single
            entry point of all credit and credit risk data with a very high level of granularity.

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