Page 258 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 258

STS543 Veronica B. B. et al.
                      This study raises five main questions: First, are domestic prudential policies
                  effective in restraining growth of bank loan commitments using bank-level
                  residential property loan data in the Philippines? Second, do responses to a
                  domestic  prudential  shock  differ  by  type  of  bank?  Third,  do  responses  to
                  domestic prudential policies vary over monetary policy conditions? Fourth, do
                  responses  to  domestic  prudential  policies  vary  over  financial  cycles  of  the
                  Philippines? and fifth, do responses to domestic prudential policies restrict
                  bank riskiness?.
                      This study has three possible contributions to empirical studies. First, this
                  study updates Bayangos (2017) study that documents a database of domestic
                  prudential measures and changes in monetary policy stance for the Philippines
                  to include changes in prudential limits from the first quarter of 2014 to the
                  fourth quarter of 2017. Second, it develops a new database using data from
                  the quarterly bank reports on the Residential Real Estate Price Index (RREPI)
                  from the first quarter of 2014 to the fourth quarter of 2017. Third, the study
                  uses  these  databases  to  examine  the  effectiveness  of  both  tightening  and
                  easing  of  domestic  prudential  policies  to  growth  of  real  bank  loan
                  commitments and the overall quality of bank loan portfolio. The study will then
                  examine the importance of monetary policy reaction to address changes in
                  real bank loan commitments and in changes in the quality of loan portfolio
                  and  the  interaction  among  different  instruments  of  domestic  prudential
                  policies. The rest of this study is organized as  follows. Section II discusses
                  baseline database and empirical methodology, while Section III highlights the
                  main findings of the paper. Section IV concludes.

                  2.  Baseline Database and Empirical Methodology
                      Measure of bank loan commitment. This database compiles the volume or
                  number  of  loans  granted  for  purchases  of  new  residential  properties,  the
                  average acquisition cost of the property, the appraised value of the residential
                  unit, the appraised value of the lot, the location of these properties, the type
                  of residential property classified into single- detached, duplex, apartments and
                  condominiums from 101 banks. The focus of this database is the compilation
                  of  average  acquisition  cost  of  residential  property  as  indicator  of  the
                  commitment of banks to grant loans based on the acquisition cost of the
                  property.  The  data  are  generated  from  the  quarterly  report  submitted  by
                  U/KBs and TBs on all Residential Real Estate Loans (RRELs) granted for the
                  generation of RREPI for the Philippines. This study used the appraised value of
                  the residential unit and the appraised value of lot in real terms.
                      Database for domestic prudential policies. This database includes all the
                  domestic prudential measures adopted by the BSP, classified by instrument,
                  such  as,  capital-related  measures  that  aim  to  strengthen  banks’  ability  to
                  absorb  risks,  adjusts  banks’  capital  requirements.  These  measures  include

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