Page 256 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 256

STS543 Veronica B. B. et al.

                              Have domestic prudential policies been effective:
                                 Insights from bank-level property loan data
                                    Veronica B. Bayangos , Jeremy De Jesus 2
                            Supervisory Policy and Research Department, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
                              2 Department of Economic Statistics, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas

                  The  study  examines  the  effectiveness  of  domestic  prudential  policies  in
                  restraining  growth  of  real  bank  loan  commitments  and  in  preserving  the
                  quality of bank loans in the Philippines using panel bank data regression from
                  the  first  quarter  of  2014  to  the  fourth  quarter  of  2017.  The  study  reveals
                  important  findings  for  the  BSP.  First,  tightening  of  domestic  prudential
                  policies, particularly those tightening measures meant to preserve resilience
                  of  the  banking  system  are  effective  in  curbing  growth  of  real  bank  loan
                  commitments to borrowers for acquiring new residential properties. Second,
                  this  study  highlights  the  bigger  negative  impact  of  tightening  prudential
                  measures on real bank loan commitments by universal and commercial banks
                  compared to thrift banks. Third, the share of bank deposits to total liabilities,
                  liquidity position and capital adequacy gap are important drivers of growth in
                  real  bank  loan  commitments  to  borrowers.  Fourth,  restricting  both
                  instruments meant to promote resilience of banking system and to address
                  cyclical movements limits weakening of bank loan quality, with the latter type
                  of instruments having bigger negative impact. Fifth, tightening of domestic
                  prudential  policies  varies  with  monetary  policy  conditions  and  over  the
                  business and financial cycles in the Philippines. JEL classification: E52, E58, G18,

                  Macroprudential policies, microprudential policy, financial stability, real estate

                  1.  Introduction
                      The  study  examines  the  effectiveness  of  changes  in  comprehensive
                  domestic  macroprudential  policies  in  restraining  growth  of  real  loan
                  commitments by universal, commercial and thrift banks to non-financial sector
                  in the Philippines. In recent findings, the use of domestic prudential policies
                  to promote financial stability and prevent the occurrence of financial crisis,
                  which,  in  turn  prevent  output  losses  associated  with  macroeconomic  and
                  financial  volatility  and  financial  crises  has  been  highlighted.  The  use  of
                  macroprudential tools to promote financial stability has likewise allowed many
                  central banks  to keep monetary policy focused on its primary objective of

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