Page 271 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 271

STS543 Muizz A. et al.
            limited  financial  buffers  and  susceptibility  to  potential  macroeconomic  or
            financial shocks, lowering their debt obligations to more sustainable levels
            would be imperative.

             Chart 1: Contribution to Growth            Chart 2: Annual Growth of
             of Household Debt by Purpose               Malaysian House Price Index

             Chart 3: Aggregate Leverage by             Chart 4: Average Growth of
             Income Group                               House Prices Purchased by

            Source: Bank Negara Malaysia and National Property Information Centre

                Concerns over the sustainability of household debt and housing market
            led the Government and the Bank to implement a series of measures aimed
            at addressing risks associated with excessive accumulation of household
            debt and to reinforce responsible lending practices by both banks and NBFIs
            (Table 1). The series of policies implemented between 2010 and 2013
            (shaded rows in Table 1) will be the focus of this study.

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