Page 275 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 275

STS543 Muizz A. et al.
            the  point  estimate  of  0.060  (Table  4,  Eq  2b)  indicates  that  the  average
            borrower bought houses that are priced 6.0 ppt higher after an additional
            measure, the low-income group, on the other hand, purchased cheaper homes
            compared to average borrowers, in line with their affordability (Table 4, Eq 2).

            Table 2: DSR for Personal Financing

            Table 3: DSR for Residential Property Loan

            Table 4: House Price

            5.  Discussion and Conclusion
                In this paper, we assess the impact of macroprudential policies on the DSR
            of households, using borrower-level credit registry data. We found that the
            policies  are  generally  effective  in  improving  borrowers’  DSR  for  personal
            financing, particularly those in the low-income group who are typically highly
            leveraged.  However,  for  residential  property  loans,  we  found  that
            macroprudential  policies  alone  are  insufficient,  as  borrowers’  DSR  for
            residential  property  continued  to  increase  after  the  measures.  This  can  be

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