Page 272 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 272

STS543 Muizz A. et al.
                  Table 1: Policies Implemented since 2010
                   Date      Policy
                   4Q 2010  Introduction of maximum 70% loan-to-value (LTV) on 3rd residential
                             property loan and above
                   1Q 2011  Stricter credit card requirements such as introduction of
                             minimum eligibility criteria based on income and age
                   1Q 2011  Higher risk weights for capital adequacy requirements for residential
                             property loans with LTV ratio >90%
                   4Q 2011  Introduction of maximum 60% LTV on residential property loan for non-
                   1Q 2012  Implementation of Guidelines on Responsible Financing
                            - 2Q12: Implicit DSR limit of 60% for the low-income borrowers
                   3Q 2013  Introduction of maximum loan tenure:
                             - Personal financing: 10 years
                             - Residential property loans: 35 years
                             - Car loans: 9 years
                   3Q 2013  Implementation of Policy Document on Personal Financing that
                             prohibits offering of pre-approved personal financing products
                   4Q 2013   Prohibition of developers’ interest bearing scheme and related
                             financing by the financial institutions
                   4Q 2013  Implementation of Policy Document on Risk-Informed Pricing
                   4Q 2015  Introduction of minimum collective impairment provisions and
                             regulatory reserves of 1.2%
                  Note: These measures were also complimented by monetary and fiscal measures (e.g. Real
                  Property Gains Tax).

                  3.  Data and Empirical Methodology
                      This  study  utilises  data  from  the  public  credit  registry  (Central  Credit
                  Registry Information System, CCRIS), administered by the Bank. CCRIS collates
                  information of all borrowers who obtained credit from financial institutions
                  regulated by the Bank and selected large NBFIs. Our data is a repeated cross-
                  section  covering  a  sample  of  newly-approved  personal  financing  and
                  residential property loan borrowers from 1Q 2009 to 4Q 2015.
                      The macroprudential policies that were implemented between 2010 and
                  2013 can affect potential borrowers in two ways.
                      First, the policies may have the effect of keeping some individuals out of
                  the credit market. For instance, some individuals may decide not to apply for
                  a loan at all after the implementation of these measures. For those who choose
                  to apply for a loan, they may be rejected  by the financial institutions if they
                  are applying for a loan that is beyond their affordability level. To measure this
                  effect,  we  examine  whether  there  are  any  significant  changes  in  the

                  4  In many instances, those who were rejected do not have enough income or were unable to
                  pledge adequate equity.

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