Page 345 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 345

STS550 Pierre Guérin et al.
            to implement and offers a great deal of flexibility in modelling time variation
            since we do not restrict the regime changes in the cross-sectional dimension
            to be governed by a single or a limited number of Markov chains.

            2.  Markov-Switching Three-Pass Regression Filter
                One key reason for the absence of a significant literature on large-scale
            Markov-switching  factor  models  relates  to  the  computational  challenges
            associated with the estimation of such models. We present here the Markov-
            switching three-pass regression filter, which circumvents these difficulties.
            Our setting is similar to that in Kelly and Pruitt (2015), who introduced the
            linear 3PRF, but the key novelty is that we include time variation in the model
            parameters via Markov processes. Specifically, we have the following model:
                                      =  ( ) +  ( ) −1 +  ,  = 1, … , ,                         (1)
                                    =  (  ) +  (  ) +  ,  = 1, … ,                        (2)
                         = ∅ (  ) + ∅ (  ) + ∅ (  ) +  ,  = 1, … , ,            (3)
            where  is the scalar target variable of interest for forecasting;   = ( , ...,
              )'  is  a   × 1  vector  of  unobservable  factors,  with  associated  slope
            coefficients ( );    = 1, … ,  , are  so-called  proxy  variables  driven  by
            the  same  factors  as ,  ,  with  variable  specific  loadings  (  );   =
            1, … , ,  are  variables  driven  by  the   factors  but  also  by  the  
            (unobservable) factors in the vector  , with associated variable specific

            loadings  ∅ (  )  and  ∅ (  )  respectively;  ( ) ,  (  ), ∅ (  )
            are intercepts. As anticipated, the coefficients in (1) to (3) are time-varying
            and driven by variable specific and independent across variables M-state
            Markov  chains:  ,     and     = 1, …,    and  = 1, … , .  Each  Markov
            chain is governed by its own   ×  transition probability matrix,


            for  =  ,  , … ,  ,  , … ,  .
                Given the model in equations (1) to (3), our algorithm for the MS-3PRF
            model consists of the following three steps:
                •  Step  1:  Time-series  regressions  of  each     on  the  proxy  variables
                     ,  = 1, … ,  . Hence, defining  = ( , … ,   )′, we run  Markov-
                    switching regressions
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