Page 347 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 347

STS550 Pierre Guérin et al.
            currencies. We extract factors from the MS-3PRF, MSS-3PRF, linear 3PRF,
            PCA,  TPCA  and  PC-LARS.  We  then  use  the  resulting  factors  to  forecast
            selected  bilateral  exchange  rates.  (All  currency  pairs  use  the  USD  as
            numéraire.)  The  choice  of  the  data  set  draws  from  the  exercise  in
            Greenaway-McGrevy  et  al.  (2016).  The  data  set  is  monthly,  and  the  full
            sample size extends from January 1995 to December 2015. The data are
            obtained  from  the  International  Financial  Statistics  of  the  International
            Monetary Fund, and the monthly data are taken as the monthly average of
            daily data. The data set consists of the currencies of Australia (AUS),Brazil
            (BRA), Canada (CAN), Chile (CHI), Columbia (COL), the Czech Republic (CZE),
            the euro (EUR), Hungary (HUN), Iceland (ICE), India (IND), Israel (ISR), Japan
            (JPN), Korea (KOR), Mexico (MEX), Norway (NOR), New Zealand (NZE), the
            Philippines  (PHI),  Poland  (POL),  Romania  (ROM),  Singapore  (SIN),  South
            Africa (RSA), Sweden (SWE), Switzerland (SUI),  Taiwan (TAI), Turkey (TUR)
            and the United Kingdom (GBR).
                The  left-hand  side  of  Table  1  reports  point  forecasting  results  for
            specific currencies: the Canadian dollar (CAD), the euro (EUR), the Japanese
            yen (JPY) and the British pound (GBP), all relative to the USD. These are G7
            currencies,  and  among the  most  traded currency  pairs  according  to the
            Bank for International Settlements Triennial Central Bank Survey. The point
            forecast results are presented as the MSFE of a specific approach relative
            to the MSFE obtained from the no-change forecast. The no-change forecast
            is the standard benchmark in the exchange rate forecasting literature (see,
            e.g., Rossi (2013)). We also report the results of the Diebold and Mariano
            (1995) test of equal out-of-sample predictive accuracy using the no-change
            forecast as a benchmark. First, the models’ forecasting performance relative
            to the no-change forecast is typically the strongest for forecast horizon ℎ =
            1 (except for the JPY/USD). The improvement in forecast accuracy relative
            to the random walk is also statistically significant according to the Diebold
            and Mariano test of equal MSFE when forecasting the Canadian dollar at
            forecast horizon ℎ = 1 across most approaches (this is also true to a lesser
            extent for the British pound). Second, the PC-LARS approach performs best
            for forecast horizon ℎ = 1 when forecasting the British pound. Moreover,
            the  MS-3PRF  (first  and  third  pass)  approach  performs  best  when
            forecasting the Canadian dollar for forecast horizons ℎ > 1. Third, for the
            Canadian  dollar  and  the  Japanese  yen,  modelling  time  variation  in  the
            forecasting equation is relevant in that this leads to substantial forecasting
            improvement over the no-change forecast at distant forecast horizons ℎ =
            {9} for the Japanese yen and ℎ = {2, 3, 6, 9, 12} using the MS-3PRF (first and
            third passes) approach.
                Next, the right-hand side of Table 1 shows the directional accuracy
            forecasting  results,  which  are  broadly  in  line  with  the  point  forecast

                                                               336 | I S I   W S C   2 0 1 9
   342   343   344   345   346   347   348   349   350   351   352