Page 393 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 393

STS551 Stephen Wu et al.
            boarder range of engineering problems, such as reliability estimation due to
            rare events (Au and Beck, 2001). In particular, hierarchical Bayesian model is a
            powerful  modeling  tool  that  offers  great  flexibility  for  uncertainty
            quantification,  yet  classical  Markov  Chain  Monte  Carlo  approach  is  usually
            impractical  for  even  a  simple  ordinary  differential  equation  model.  This  is
            because of the inherently high dimensional problem setup as explained in this
            study. Existing approaches for hierarchical Bayesian modeling usually attempt
            to use simple stochastic models that can lead to analytical results, but usually
            ends up with impractical assumptions, or approximating the stochastic models
            with surrogate models that can result in analytical solutions. In my study, I
            begin with a basic illustration of the power of hierarchical Bayesian model, and
            then continue with a demonstration of its applications to engineering problems by
            incorporating  high  performance  computing  and  specifically  designed  sampling
            methods. Our method focuses on the ability to recalculate the problem for many
            times,  especially  when  there  are  newly  added  data.  The  applications,  including
            pharmacokinetics and molecular dynamics, involve fairly complicated models that
            classical  models  used  for  Bayesian  inference  often  lead  to  misleading  results.
            Therefore, it is important to use a reliable, yet computationally efficient algorithm for
            these problems.

            2.  Methodology
            2.1 Problem setup for the general case
                Consider the following probability model:

                       ~(|(, ),  ) ⟺  = (, ) +  ,  ~( |0,  ),              (1)
            where (|, ) denotes a normal distribution on a 1D variable  with mean  and
            standard  deviation  ,   and   denotes  input  and  output  variable  of  a  model
            (function)    with  model  parameters  . A  hierarchical  Bayesian  model  has
            hyperparameters  for to define a probability model for the parameter space.
            However, one can typically find two different types of such hierarchical Bayesian
            models in the literature (Wu et al., 2018). Here, I illustrate using a simple linear
            2.2 Simple example: single parameter with Gaussian prior model
                   Consider  a  simple  linear  function  with  only  one  parameter,  i.e.,  =  ,  and  a
            Gaussian  model  for  the  parameter  with  mean  and  standard  deviation  as  the
            hyperparameters, i.e.,  = { ,  } :

                                (, ) =                                                                                                 (2)
                         with  =  +  ,   ~ ( |0,  ) ⟺ ~(| ,  )
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