Page 40 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 40

STS513 Maria Praxedes R. P.
                      In the implementation of the SDG by countries, it primarily started at the
                  national  level  and  limited  attention  has  been  given  to  subnational  SDG
                  implementation. However, recognition of the need to localize the SDGs grew
                  and witnessed by countries with a number of initiatives and discussions giving
                  attention to the need to accelerate SDG implementation through increased
                  efforts at the local level. There is a realization that SDG achievement at the
                  national level strongly depends on progress made at the local level. This is
                  done  through  the  effective  integration  of  the  SDGs  into  the  mandates  of
                  institutions and promoting cross-sector collaboration at all levels which makes
                  for a multilevel governance and coherent SDG implementation.
                      Integrating the SDGs into the mandates of Local Government Units (LGUs)
                  means  SDG  localization,  which  is  defined  as  “the  process  of  defining,
                  implementing and monitoring strategies at the local level for achieving global,
                  national, and subnational sustainable development goals.” It is where local
                  authorities and stakeholders will adapt and implement these targets within
                  cities and human settlements. Subnational governments or LGUs are more
                  than just implementers of the Agenda, but also policy makers and catalysts of
                  change  best  placed  to  link  the  global  goals  with  local  communities.  SDG
                  localization is critical for achieving sustainable development by 2030 because
                  SDG agenda may not fully be achieved without the involvement of urban and
                  local actors.

                  2.  Methodology:  Collaborative  Arrangements/Strong  partnership  for
                      the Localization of SDG
                     Recognizing  the  importance  of  SDG  localization,  the  Philippine
                  government through its different agencies, namely the Department of Interior
                  and Local Government (DILG), National Economic and Development Authority
                  (NEDA),  Philippine  Statistics  Authority  (PSA),  Philippine  Statistical  Research
                  and Training Institute (PSRTI), Philippine Statistical System (PSS), all LGUs, and
                  other  institutions  (policy  and  decision-makers),  Civil  Society  Organizations
                  (CSOs),   media,    development      partners,   academe     and    private
                  sector/organizations,  made  collaborative  arrangements  in  promoting  the
                  SDGs at the local level. PSS is composed of national government agencies that
                  deal with statistics/statistical data, either as a data producer or data user. Its
                  main task is to deliver quality statistical information to the public.
                      Roles  of  these  agencies  in  implementing  SDG  are  described  in  the
                  Guidelines on the Localization of the Philippine Development Plan (PDP) 2017-
                  2022 Results Matrices and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), a Joint
                  Memorandum Circular No. 01 Series of 2018 dated November 26, 2018 of NEDA
                  and DILG. These efforts also integrated the SDG to the local plan - Philippine
                  Development Plan (PDP) 2017-2022, which is geared towards the AmBisyon

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