Page 44 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 44

STS513 Maria Praxedes R. P.
                      5:00 p.m. (8 hours). This training course will be conducted for the 17 regions
                      of the country from 2018-2019.
                  The course outline for this covers the following:
                      I.  Overview of the SDG
                      II. Presentation of the Data Ecosystem
                      III. Lecture on the Basic Concepts in Statistics
                           1.  Definition and Examples of Official Statistics
                           2.  Importance of Statistics
                           3.  Basic concepts about variable, indicator and data
                           4.  Some Summary Measures used in Computing SDG Indicators
                           5.  Methods of Data Collection
                      IV. Workshop on SDG Matrix
                           1.  Mechanics  of  the  Workshop  and  computation  of  some  SDG
                           2.  Open Forum
                  B. SDG Seminar 2. A three-day training course on descriptive statistics, data
                      collection  and  the  Community  Based  Monitoring  System  (CBMS),  and
                      monitoring and evaluating the different SDG indicators using statistics.
                      The target training participants are 3,268 city planning officers, municipal
                      planning officers, K to 12 principals and teachers from the 17 regions. The
                      trainings will be for 3 consecutive days, targeting four batches per region
                      with a class size of 50 participants. This training course will be conducted
                      from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (24  hours). Knowledge on basic computer
                      operations is required and data management using MS Excel® is a pre-
                      requisite to this course.
                      The course outline for this covers the following:
                      I.  Introduction and Review on basic concepts in Statistics
                      II.  Methods of Collecting Data and CBMS
                           1.  Survey
                           2.  Use of Documented Data
                           3.  Registration
                           4.  Questionnaire Construction
                           5.  CBMS and its instrument/questionnaire
                      III.  Summary  Measures  that  will  be  used  in  planning,  implementing,
                           monitoring and evaluating the SDG indicators
                           1.  Measures of Central Tendency
                           2.  Measures of Location
                           3.  Measures of Dispersion
                           4. Proportions, Ratios, Rates, Percent Change
                      IV.  Monitoring  and  Evaluation  (M  &  E)  of
                           performance  vis-a-vis  targets  1.  Processing
                           and analyzing M&E Data

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