Page 41 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 41

STS513 Maria Praxedes R. P.
            Natin  2040  and  anchored  on  the  0-10  Point  Socioeconomic  Agenda.  The
            responsibilities of each agency are summarized as follows:
            National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA)
            •  Spearheads the formulation of the Regional Development Plans (RDPs),
                with  corresponding  Results  Matrices  (RMs).  RMs  are  documents  which
                contain statements of the results to be achieved (goals, outcomes, and
                outputs) with corresponding indicators, baseline information, annual and
                end-of-plan  targets,  and  responsible  agencies.  RMs  includes  identified
                performance indicators and sources of data/information that consider the
            •  Assists  LGUs  in  the  integration  of  the  SDG  framework  in  regional  and
                provincial planning & programming through the preparation of regional
                and provincial RMs and in accordance with their respective development
                plans and investment programs.
            •  Links the attainment of SDGs at the subnational level (region, province,
                city/municipality) to public policy
            •  Part of the advocacy program in raising awareness on SDGs and in taking
                an active role in the localization of the SDGs among LGUs
            Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA)
            •  Develops a core regional indicator system composed of indicators that
                support development planning, implementation, and monitoring of local
                programs and projects
            •  Serves  as  official  repository  of  SDG  indicators  in  the  country  by
                establishing a team to facilitate coordination of monitoring of SDG-related
            •  Develops and maintains a webpage on SDGs, SDG Indicator database and
                SDG Watch
            •  Part of the advocacy program in raising awareness on SDGs and in taking
                an active role in the localization of the SDGs among LGUs
            Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG)
            •  Assists LGUs, together with NEDA, in the integration of the SDG framework
                in  regional  and  provincial  planning  &  programming  through  the
                preparation of regional and provincial RMs and in accordance with their
                respective development plans and investment programs.
            •  Presents the Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) indicators that
                provide a source of data to supplement indicators in the provincial RMs
            •  Part of the advocacy program in raising awareness on SDGs and taking an
                active role in the localization of the SDGs among LGUs
            •  Monitors  performance  of  provinces  vis-a-vis  their  set  targets  thru  its
                Bureau of Local Government Development (DILG-BLGD).

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