Page 42 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 42

STS513 Maria Praxedes R. P.
                  LGUs  in  the  provinces,  cities  and  municipalities  (which  are  under  the
                  administration of DILG)
                  •  Integrates the SDG framework in planning & programming through the
                      preparation  of  their  respective  development  plans  and  investment
                  •  Translates respective development plans to regional and provincial RMs
                      and SDG indicators
                  •  Establishes targets using available provincial/local data
                  •  Validates the baselines and set targets
                  •  Provides data at the city and municipal levels to supplement data gaps
                      identified by PSA. Local administrative data together with the Community-
                      Based Monitoring System (CBMS) can be used in planning & target setting.
                  •  Monitors  contributions/performance  vis-a-vis commitments  within  their
                      geographic boundaries based on their respective cities/municipalities and
                      provincial RMs
                  •  Part of the advocacy program in raising awareness among LGUs to take an
                      active role in the localization of the SDGs
                  •  Undertakes methodological researches and capacity building activities to
                      help  PSA  and  other  agencies  generate  the  indicators  needed  in  the
                      planning, implementation, and monitoring of local programs and projects,
                      including SDGs
                  Policy-   and     decision-makers     (Sangguniang     Panlungsod/Bayan
                  representatives, City/Municipal Sectoral Representatives, City/Municipal
                  Mayors, Provincial Governors, etc.)
                  •  Links  the  relevance  of  SDG  indicators  to  public  policy,  planning  &
                  •  Monitors and links the attainment of SDGs at the subnational level (region,
                      province, city/municipality) to public policy
                  Data producers and other agencies that produces data (CBMS, PSS, etc.)
                  •  Compiles and generates data at subnational levels to supplement data
                      gaps  and  for  LGUs  to  use  in  their  planning  and  programming,  target
                      setting, monitoring and evaluation of SDGs
                  Civil Society Organizations (CSOs)
                  •  Compiles and generates data at subnational levels to supplement data
                      gaps  and  for  LGUs  to  use  in  their  planning  and  programming,  target
                      setting, monitoring and evaluation of SDGs
                  •  Part of the advocacy program in raising awareness on SDGs and take an
                      active role in the localization of the SDGs

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