Page 407 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 407

STS552 Norhayati Razi
                Data  accuracy  has  always  been  the  biggest  challenge  faced  by  the
            compilers.    In  this  regard,  significant  efforts  are  required  to  maximise  the
            accuracy  on  data  compilation  by  working  towards  having  more  granular
            analysis  for  data  quality  checking.    In  addition,  regular  engagement  with
            reporting entities are essential to ensure accurate understanding on reporting
            requirements.    This  has  helped  the  Central  Bank  to  meet  the  mandate  to
            deliver the official external sector statistics, including the statistics on portfolio
            investment, within 7 weeks after end of reporting quarter based on primary
            data collection with 100% response rate.
                In addition, the external sector compilation system requires design that
            meet  the  long-term  needs  in  order  to  continuously  comply  with  the
            international  standard.    In  this  regard,  Malaysia  adopted  the  integrated
            compilation  system  which  provided  flexibility  in  handling  data  submission,
            processing,  as  well  as  data  dissemination  through  single  platform.    Of
            significance,  the  flexibility  provided  by  the  MDM  allows  the  compilers  to
            incorporate changes by or additional requirements from IMF and BIS without
            having to undertake major enhancement to the compilation system.

            4.  Conclusion
                Malaysia has made a significant progress in the compilation of external
            sector statistics.  The Integrated Compilation System has successfully reduced
            the reporting burden faced by both the compilers and the reporting entities.
            In view of the favourable responses, the submission deadline was shortened
            to 15 days after the end of each reporting quarter, compared with 20 days
            previously.  Currently, Malaysia publishes the official BOP and IIP statistics by
            DOSM and the EDS and IBS by Central Bank respectively, 7 weeks after the
            end of each reporting period as compared to 12 weeks previously, with data
            obtained through a single platform to ensure consistency across all statistics.
                Additionally,  Malaysia  is  one  of  the  earliest  participants  in  the  CPIS
            submission to IMF, for both mandatory and encouraged items, as well as the
            recent  initiatives  on  sharing  of  ISIN  information.    At  present,  Malaysia  is
            submitting the CPIS on a half yearly basis for all tables, covering the granular
            data,  i.e.  by  instruments  types,  institutional  sector  and  economy  of  the
            issuer/holders for both portfolio investment assets and liabilities respectively.

            1.  CPIS Guide Third Edition
            2.  External Sector Statistics (ESS) System – Submission of International
                Transactions and External Position Information

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