Page 403 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 403

STS552 Norhayati Razi
                This integrated compilation has helped to ease the reporting burden of
            the  reporting  entities  and  to  ensure  accuracy  of  the  profiles  of  securities
            issuers.  Listed below are the coverage of the data sources reported by the
            custodian agencies for the quarterly reporting:
            i.  Data  on  resident  holdings  of  securities  issued  by  non-residents  in
                Malaysia; and
            ii.  Data  on  non-resident  holdings  of  securities  issued  by  residents  in
            The  integrated  compilation  framework  classifies  the  reporting  of  external
            financial  assets  and  liabilities  by  direct  investment,  portfolio  investment,
            financial derivatives, and other investment, which are being reported under
            one  survey.  Guidance  notes,  which  are  aligned  to  BPM6,  provide  clear
            instructions on method of reporting to prevent misreporting between direct
            and portfolio investment by the reporting entities. In addition, the information
            obtained from direct investment reported by the end-investors are used as a
            basis  for  reconciliation  to  avoid  double  counting  and  separating  direct
            investment from portfolio investment.

            2.3 Reporting of Securities Issued in International Markets
                The reporting of portfolio investment which are classified by institutional
            sector,  facilitates  identification  of  the  pattern  of  investment.    Institutional
            investors tend to have direct holdings abroad, while the mutual funds, unit
            trusts,  and  households  are  more  likely  to  invest  through  the  nominees  as
            reported by the custodians.  In general, the reporting entities are required to
            report all the individual securities based on the name, country and institutional
            sector of the issuer, as well as currency of the securities issued.
                Although  highly  encouraged,  the  reporting  for  securities  issued  in  the
            international market by ISIN codes is not mandatory in view of the challenges
            faced  by  reporting  entities,  particularly  if  the  securities  are  entrusted  to
            another non-resident custodians or as part of the pool of funds managed by
            non-residents  custodians.    On  the  other  hand,  the  institutional  investors
            reporting  data  on  their  portfolio  investment  holdings  abroad  are  able  to
            report  by  ISIN  codes  and  other  details,  particularly  if  the  decision  for  the
            investment are carried out internally.  The detailed reporting by ISIN codes
            and countries of residence issuers has somewhat facilitate the reconciliation if
            the investments through the non-resident custodians are rechannelled back
            to home country.
                To  ensure  comprehensive  coverage,  the  compilation  guidelines  clearly
            define  the  reporting  methods  for  the  different  types  of  reporting  entities.
            Listed below are the coverage of the data sources for the quarterly reporting:

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