Page 408 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 408

STS552 Carol C. Bertaut et al.

                                   Financial integration and globalization:
                                  challenges and opportunities for external
                                              financial statistics
                               Carol C. Bertaut, Beau Bressler, Stephanie Curcuru
                    Division of International Finance at the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System

                  The official framework for external financial statistics is according to the concept
                  of country of legal residence. This concept provides increasing challenges for
                  both  data  compilers  and  end-users,  because  the  growing  use  of  low-tax
                  jurisdictions as locations for firm headquarters and the proliferation of offshore
                  financing  vehicles  means  there  is  an  increasing  disconnect  between  legal
                  residence  and  actual  economic  exposures.  The  growing  size,  number,  and
                  geographic diversity of multinational firms generates additional challenges, as
                  corporate events involving multinationals can leave large imprints on official
                  statistics. Residence-based statistics can thus distort conclusions drawn about
                  investment motivations and the true extent of external exposures. However, new
                  data sources and “big data” techniques can provide new opportunities for data
                  compilers  to  combine  data  sets  and  generate  additional  presentations  of
                  external statistics in ways that can help us better understand investor exposures
                  and  financial  linkages  in  our  increasingly  interconnected  world.  The  views
                  expressed  are  solely  the  responsibility  of  the  authors  and  should  not  be
                  interpreted as reflecting the views of the Board of Governors of the Federal
                  Reserve  System  or  of  any  other  person  associated  with  the  Federal  Reserve

                  Financial Integration, Multinationals, International Portfolios, Tax Havens

                  1.  Introduction
                      After the global financial crisis, the G20 supported several efforts to produce
                  improved global capital flow and investment statistics, with the goal of a better
                  understanding of cross-border linkages and investor exposures. With respect
                  to  cross-border  portfolio  investment  –  cross-border  flows  and  positions  in
                  bonds and equity – these initiatives included increased participation in the IMF’s
                  Coordinated Portfolio Investment Survey (CPIS), and efforts to increase both
                  frequency and granularity of the CPIS, including providing detail on issuer and
                  investor  sectors.  However,  these  efforts  to  improve  the  coverage  of  global
                  portfolio  assets  and  liabilities  are  not  sufficient  to  gain  a  thorough
                  understanding of global capital movements due to an ongoing fundamental
                  limitation: These statistics use the official balance of payments (BOP) framework

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