Page 405 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 405

STS552 Norhayati Razi
            à-vis  their  non-resident  counterparties  following  an  accounting  approach,
            whereby the reporting is done similarly to a financial statement with further
            categorisation by direct investment, portfolio investment, financial derivatives
            and other investment.  In addition to the compilation notes and manual, the
            front-end modules are also equipped with build-in business validation rules
            to alert and/or prevent on possible misreporting by both the respondents and
            compilers.  A Query Module is also established as  a  medium between the
            respondents  and  compilers  to  rectify  and  obtain  confirmation  on  issues
            relevant to data accuracy.
                The front-end modules will process all survey submissions by respondents
            to prepare data required by the back-end (Dissemination) modules.  Once the
            process is completed, data will be transmitted to the back-end modules for
            further processing by the end of the day.  During the transmission process,
            data integration programs (Extract, Transform and Load or ETL) are initiated in
            two stages, with the first stage focusing to harmonise and link the survey data
            to the Master Data Management (MDM) module (standard codes, reference
            entity  information  and  ISIN  profiles)  and  second  stage  mapping  the  data
            according to the business rules to produce the required ESS reports.  The
            overall processing workflow are represented in diagram below.

             ISS-ESS System Process Flow                                         Diagram 3
                 Submission Components     Processing Components           Reports

              Data captured based on         Hierarchy Rules               IIP/FA:
              accounting principles with

              presentation similar to a balance

              sheet – assets/liabilities

                   Assets   Liabilities

               −  Direct Investment
               −    Portfolio Investment   Submitted Data + Hierarchy Codes + Business Rules
               −  Fin. Derivatives                                    Investment Account:

               −  Other Investment   Data Items     Members
               −     Reserve Assets (assets
                   only)             Functional Category   DI, PI, FD, OI or RA
               −  Income Components

                 (Dividend, Interest)   Instrument Type   Equity, Debt, Others

                                     Reporting Category   A/L, End-Investors
                    Reporting Entities              /Custodian             EDS:
                                     Relationship   Related/Non-related
               −     Banking Institutions
               −  Selected Non-Bank   Institutional Sector   DTCs, CB, GV, OFC,

                                                    NF, NPISHs
               −     Labuan Offshore Entities   Maturity   Short-/Long-Term
               −     Government Agencies
               −  Central Bank       Residency Status   Resident/NR
                                     Hierarchy Code   IIP, BOP FA and
                                     (BPM5 & BPM6)
                                                    Income, EDS, IBS,
                                             Reference Registry
                                     Entity info    CCM, National Reg.
                                      ISIN          RENTAS, BURSA
                                                    Malaysia, REs, IMF

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