Page 52 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 3
P. 52

STS515 Alison L. G. et al.
                  been  geared  towards  efficiency,  i.e.  the  ability  to  readily  solve  routine
                  problems. This certainly rings true for the traditional undergraduate statistics
                  curriculum,  with  its  emphasis  on  set-piece  methodological  solutions.  The
                  typical undergraduate student first acquires procedural skills and knowledge,
                  and  then  tries  to  develop  adaptive  expertise  through  projects,  capstones,
                  internships,  or,  eventually,  work  experience.  On  the  other  hand,  Schwartz,
                  Bransford,  &  Sears  note  that  content-free  activities  in  critical  thinking  and
                  problem-solving (i.e. innovation) help develop the relevant skills, but these
                  might  be  insufficient  for  tackling  larger,  more  complex  problems.  They
                  advocate  for  a  balanced  approach,  one  that  supports  simultaneous
                  development  along  both  dimensions.  Moreover,  they  conjecture  it  is  not
                  enough to have parallel but separate content and thinking courses, but that
                  the two should be interlaced.
                     Adopting  an  integrated approach  to  developing  adaptive  expertise,  we
                  look  at  specific  ways  to  attain  it  by  progressing  along  the  innovation
                  dimension. Hatano (1988) lists three conditions that support the development
                  of adaptive vs routine expertise: a) students should continuously encounter
                  novel  types  of  problems,  b)  they  should  be  encouraged  to  seek
                  comprehension,  and  c)  they  should  be  allowed  to  experiment  without  a
                  pressing  need  for  rewards.  Other  researchers  have  built  upon  these  ideas,
                  especially  in  the  context  of  professional  education  such  as  medicine  or
                  engineering.  Carbonell  et  al.  (2014)  provide  a  comprehensive  review  of
                  characteristics  and  learning  environments  for  adaptive  expertise,  while
                  Mylopoulos  et al. (2018) offer 12 practical recommendations for  designing
                  curricula  that  support  it.  Alongside  Hatano’s  three  general  principles  and
                  related suggestions, we propose three traits and attitudes that are distinctive
                  to Statistics; these are:
                   1.  Inquisitiveness: We should instil into our students an intellectual curiosity
                      and spirit of inquiry. Statistics is the science of extracting knowledge from
                      data,  and  to  do  so  students  must  be  inclined  to  ask  meaningful  and
                      interesting questions and be willing to pursue their answers outside of
                      conventional beliefs and practices.
                   2.  Statistical  Thinking:  We  should  provide  our  students  with  a  general
                      conceptual framework through which they approach problems. We use
                      this familiar term to describe a way of thinking, rather than just a set of
                      procedures and tools. Although a formal definition is elusive, we follow
                      Chance’s (2002) description as “the ability to see the process as a whole
                      (with  iteration),  including  ‘why,’  to  understand  the  relationship  and
                      meaning of variation in this process, to have the ability to explore data in
                      ways beyond what has been prescribed in texts.”
                   3.  Extroversion: Statistics is by its nature an outward-facing discipline, one
                      that  draws  energy  and  stimulation  from  its  interactions  with  other

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