Page 106 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 106

STS566 K. Prokopenko et al.
                     =  + ∑( −  −  ) + ∑( −−  −  ) +  ,  >  + (, )               (3)
                             =1             =1

                  where  = 1, … ,7 is  a  weekday  number,   is  a  constant,  and   are  the
                  order  and  coefficients  of  w-weekday’s  coefficient  autoregressive  model,
                  ,   and  are the order, coefficients and lag of seasonal part of w-weekday’s
                  coefficient autoregressive model,   is white noise.
                     According  to  the  theory  of  autoregressive  processes  [2],  parameters
                   , … ,  ,  , … ,  ,  , … ,  ,  , … ,  ,    can  be  estimated  by  solving  the
                  system  of  linear  equations  composed  from  weekly  totals  and  daily  cash
                  payment turnovers. Forecasting expression for daily payment value  +  is the
                                                           (+) 7+1
                                                   +  =  (+) 7+1  ∗  (+) 7+1                              (4)

                                    and  (+) 7+1  were calculated according to (2), (3)
                  where  (+) 7+1  (+) 7+1

                  4.  Experimental results validation
                      Validation of the CSARMA model was provided on payments data sets
                  obtained from 100 branches. Each branches data sample has 3 years (1184
                  days) of both incoming and outgoing payments history. Train sample size =
                  1004  days,  test  sample  size  =  180  days.  Error  measures  are  explained  in
                              Tab.1. Error measures used for forecasting accuracy calculation.
                         N is number of predicted points,    - actual values, ̅ - mean of actual values,
                                      - predicted values, ̅ - mean of predicted values.

                    Mean Absolute                          1   |  −   |
                   Percentage Error                 =   ∑     ∗ 100%
                       (MAPE)                               =1
                     Normalized                             2
                     Root Mean              = √ ∑ =1 (  −   )  ,  =   ∗ 100%
                       Square                                           ̅
                                                             ∑   (  −   ) 2
                    Determination                      = 1 −  =1   2
                    coefficient ( )                         ∑ =1 (  − ̅)
                       Relative                         [∑   (  − ̅)(  − ̅)] 2
                    Standard Error    =  √  1  [∑(  − ̅) −  =1    2  ] ,  =    ∗ 100%
                        (RSD)             − 2  =1         ∑ =1 (  − ̅)  ̅

                  Competitive forecasting algorithms. ML LSTM recurrent neural network [3]
                  and XG BOOST [4] decision trees approaches with different parameters were
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