Page 173 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 173

STS579 Elena Yarovaya
            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                Based  on  Theorems  2–5  we  can  derive  some  assertions  for  a  weekly
            supercritical BRW under the conditions (3) or (4). Note that the related proofs
            for a weekly supercritical BRW are essentially based on how the higher terms
            of the asymptotic representations (6) depend on .
                Further in the section, we shortly discuss the results on the structure of the
            population inside the propagating front for recurrent underlying random walk,
            that is, when G0 = ∞, where by the population front we mean the set

                                      = { ∶  (, 0, ) ≤  }.

                The following theorem gives the description of the population inside the
            front and near to its boundary for   =  1 and   =  2 for β := β1 = · · · = βN. It
            was shown in (Yarovaya, 2017a) that there exists Ꞓ0 > 0 such that for β ∈ (βc,
            βc + Ꞓ0) the operator   has a unique eigenvalue λ0(β).
            Theorem 6 Let   > 0, βc < 0 < βc +  , and x ∈ Z , d = 1 or d = 2. If for some
            c1, c2 > 0 we have c1t ≤ |y| ≤ c2t, as t →∞ , and then

            where  the  distribution  of   is  independent  on  and  obeyed  the  relation
            { > 0}. Moreover,

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            3.  Ermakova, E., Makhmutova, P., and Yarovaya, E. (2019). Branching random
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                1–18, DOI: 10.1080/15326349.2019.1572519.
            4.  Gikhman, I. and Skorokhod, A. (2004). The theory of stochastic processes.
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            5.  Khristolyubov, I. and Yarovaya, E. (2019). A limit theorem for supercritical
                branching random walks with branching sources of varying intensity.
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