Page 317 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 317

STS637 Ronald W. J.
            timeliness of data are high, and surveys, which produce results that are by
            definition more general in nature and take more time to process, can no longer
            be the main collection tool of the statistical community.
                This need for good and timely data is shared at the highest levels of the
            United Nations. In her video message  on 2 May 2019, Ms. Amina Mohamed,
            the UN Deputy Secretary-General, stated that “Quality, relevant and timely
            data are essential to drive policies and programs, whether it be in our efforts
            to  create  decent  work  for  all,  monitoring  environmental  degradation,
            containing the spread of the Ebola virus or improving the living conditions in
            our urban areas. We need not only good data, but also real-time data.”
                To  make  progress  on  data  innovation,  the  UN  Statistical  Commission
            created a Global Working Group (GWG) on Big Data for Official Statistics in
            2014,  which  was  requested  to  provide  strategic  vision,  direction  and
            coordination for a global program on Big Data for official statistics and to
            promote practical use of Big Data sources. Since then, the GWG explored the
            benefits and challenges of the use of Big Data for official statistics and for the
            compilation of SDG indicators. It addressed issues pertaining to methodology,
            quality, technology, data access, legislation, privacy, management and finance,
            and provides adequate cost-benefit analyses.
                More recently, in 2018, the GWG put into place the so-called UN Global
            Platform, which is a collaborative research and development environment for
            the global statistical community and all its stakeholder groups. Its platform
            organization  is  based  on  networking  and  marketplace  principles,  which
            facilitates the exchange, development and sharing of data, methods, tools and
            expertise,  and  accelerates  data  innovation.  Ultimately,  the  purpose  of  the
            platform is to produce trusted data, trusted methods and trusted learning. This
            means  that  the  platform  will  also  be  used  as  an  environment  for  capacity
            building activities, which includes development of skills sets related to Data
            Science, since processing of Big Data requires use of advance technology and
            machine learning techniques.
                The  remainder  of  this  paper  will  focus  on  this  last  point:  capacity
            development for data innovation and data science on the UN Global Platform.
            The  GWG  has  several  task  teams  working  on  the  various  aspects  of  its
            mandate,  and  one  of  them  works  on  training,  competencies,  and  capacity

            2.  GWG task team on training, competencies, and capacity development
                This GWG task  team  focuses on new competencies and new skill sets,
            which are needed for the staff of statistical institutes to work with the new
            kinds of data sources, like Big Data. The main objectives of this task team are

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