Page 313 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 313

STS637 Magued O.
                   reflect online transactions, tourism statistics to reflect online bookings,
                d)  Developing  methodologies  to  use  big  data  in  producing  quick  and
                   affordable (often based on real time data) indicators to complement
                   current economic, social and environmental indicators that might be
                   expensive  and  less  frequently  collected  to  support  decision  making
                   and inform policies, and,
                e)  Capitalize on international efforts to address the growing impact of
                   globalization  on  reducing  the  ability  of  national  organizations,
                   especially  in  developing  countries,  to  access  big  data  produced  by
                   multinational  companies  (telecommunication,  online  shopping,  and,
                   transportation networking companies) and insuring the use of these
                   data bases in addressing development goals including the sustainable
                   development goals.

            Institutional reform and governance – In a new era dominated by emerging
            technology breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, robotics, internet of things,
            cloud  computing,  autonomous  vehicles,  3D  printing,  and  nanotechnology,
            institutional  reform  and  governance  of  the  new  statistical  system  should
            consider the following:
                a)  Create  a  consensus  on  national  legislations  and  code  of  conducts
                   among all stakeholders to create a win-win formula for cooperation
                   that  create  value  from  creating  and  analyzing  big  data  while
                   maintaining  trust  in  data  as  a  source  of  evidence-based  decision
                b)  Adopt an inclusive approach in the governance process to engage all
                   stakeholders including (but not limited to) national statistical offices,
                   governmental organizations producing data, private sector companies
                   engaged in generating and analyzing big data, academic institutions,
                   and, relevant professional associations.
                c)  Enforce  that  private  companies  producing  and  analyzing  big  data
                   adopt and abide by statistical ethical considerations.
                d)  Develop a full fledge eco-system that allows the use of big data and its
                   integration with traditional sources of data to create public knowledge
                   and to inform policy on the national and local level.

                It is obvious that the world of statistics is changing and present players in
            the developing countries have to step out of there comfort zone to create an
            eco-system that is more inclusive, more efficient and more future looking. The
            current producers of statistics should move away from data autocracy to data
            democracy and should give up on maintaining the status-co as no room for

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