Page 339 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 339

STS700 Suman R. A.
                With  the  above  mentioned  facts,  the  NSDS  of  Nepal  is  favorable  and
            encouraging to develop the big data system in the country. Further, the NSDS
            has mentioned in its working policy that Big Data will be integrated in the
            Statistical System of the country. Hence, NSDS is one of the evidence of the
            government’s commitment and policy document in opening the door to adapt
            big data for the production and supply of new statistical products.

            5.  Big Data in Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics (FPOS)
                As mentioned earlier, a space has been created to initiate big data activities
            within the framework of NSS. CBS as a leading authoritative agencies in Nepal
            has  been  following  the  fundamental  principles  of  official  statistics  in  the
            statistical production process and dissemination in statistical system of Nepal.
            It is a matter of study that whether FPOS can fascilitate statistical production
            process  with  the  utilization  of  Big  Data.  However,  natioanl  statistical
            organizations need to follow FPOS while producing statistics through big data
                According to FPOS Principle 1, the official statistics generated with the
            utilization  of  big  data  should  provide  an  indispensable  element  in  the
            information system with relevant data. Such big data are to be compiled and
            made available on an impartial basis by official statistical agencies to honour
            citizens’ right to public information. The principle 5 shows the possibilities of
            big  data  as  one  of  the  statistical  data  sources  that  can  be  for  statistical
            purposes. It should be taken care of the quality, timeliness, costs of big data.
            With the use of big data, the burden on respondents will be minimum in terms
            of collection and compiling the data.According to principle 6, the big data as
            one of the eminent source are to be strictly confidential and used exclusively
            for statistical purposes only.

            6.  Challenges and Opportunities to accommodate Big Data in National
            Statistical System
                Challenges and opportunities' exist while accommodating new system in
            the  prevailing  system  with  transformation  or  reformation  of  the  whole
            statistical system. Likewise, NSS of Nepal has to face with the challenges in the
            context of prevailing statistical system of the country. The issue on big data
            accommodation has also created opportunities in advancing towards more
            modernised  official  statistical  system  of  Nepal.  Some  of  points  has  been
            mentioned as challenges as well as opportunities below:
                •  Reform  current  statistical  infrastructures  like  legal  provisions,  policy
                    formulations,  organisational  structure,  extension  of  ICT  friendly
                    statistical  human  resources,  standards  and  methods,  classification
                    systems, Coordination and Cooperation mechanism etc.,
                •  Develop Guidelines, methodology

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