Page 337 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 337

STS700 Suman R. A.
            role of government is necessary to be changed to adapt to quick decision
            driven  big  data  technology.  The  sources  of  data  from  the  use  of  internet,
            public private partnership programs, crowd sourcing, social media activities
            and data sharing activities has advanced the compulsion of big data system.
            The government service delivery and e-governance can be made efficient and
            transparent by introducing big data missions.

            3.  Prospects of Big Data in the Nepalese National Statistical System
                Generally, NSS is composed of network of data stakeholders in terms of
            data  respondents,  data  production,  data  users,  academic  in  the  field  of
            statistics.  According  to  OECD  definition,  the  system  is  the  collaborative  of
            statistical organizations and units within a country that jointly collect (demand
            and data), compile, process and disseminate official statistics to its’ users. The
            national statistical system of Nepal is envisaged by Statistical Act 1958. Other
            laws are also prevalent which has designated different agencies to produce
            statistics of their respective areas. In the future, NSS of Nepal need to deal
            with  Big  Data  as  a  new  dimension  of  data  sources  in  the  context  of
            technological advancements. It is quite challenging to address the issues to
            operationalize within NSS in terms of defining and identifying data producers,
            data users, data suppliers and data products. However, NSDS of Nepal has
            made  provision  to  integrate  big  data  in  national  statistical  system.  A
            compatible statistical infrastructure has to be established while adopting the
            big data in the system.
                Statistical literacy along with big data to users and producers are must to
            make the users to demand data as well as supply proper statistics with the
            utilization of big data. Academia and the research institutions are also one of
            the parts of NSS which should also involve big data in research and academic
            activities. The ICT oriented NSS can only fully exploit the Big Data in generating
            the  quality  statistics.  Similarly,  the  NSS  should  address  the  issues  on  legal
            framework, in-depth policy, professionalism, standard concepts, definitions,
            classifications  and  methodologies,  scientific  methods,  reference  period,
            coordination,  designated  agencies  for  specific  statistics,  human  resources
            capacity  development,  research  and  training,  strengthening  organizational
            units,  advocacy  and  sustainable  investment  towards  establishing  Big  Data
            statistical system.

            4.  National Strategy for Development of Statistics of Nepal as a
            platform to Big Data
                National Strategy for  Development of Statistics (NSDS) is the country’s
            overall vision, mission, strategies and activities on the development of  the
            national statistical system. The constitution of Nepal has ensured the statistical
            duties  of  federal,  provincial  and  local  level  governments.  It  has  made
            conducive  environment  to  enhance  the  Statistical  system.  There  has  been

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