Page 340 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 340

STS700 Suman R. A.
                      •  Sustainable investment in Big Data System
                      •  Institutionalization or institutional set up of Big data system
                      •  Natioanl Big data system policy formulation
                      •  Capacity development of prevailing human resources
                      •  Ensuring following the FPOS
                      •  Ensuring the confidentiality of individuals
                      •  Identifying and selecting standard data products
                      •  Statistical Literacy or Awareness to data users to data producers

                      •  Existence of FPOS
                      •  Existence of NSS
                      •  National strategy for Statistical Development
                      •  Statistical Acts/ regulations
                      •  Prevailing Institutional set up
                      •  Strengthened and modernised statistical system
                      •  Cost-effective statistical products of quality and timeliness
                      •  Access to statistical products in smart decision making

                  7.  Some initiations of government services
                      Government  of  Nepal  is  transforming  its  manual  based  government
                  services to digital systems. Digital based licenses, land management, voter list,
                  cadastral  mapping,  hospital  management,  meteorology  and  hydrological
                  systems etc. are some of the efforts. These sources are also the sources of Big
                  Data. Beside these efforts, the management information system established in
                  various institutions can be mix up with related Big Data.
                      Government has already established the National Information Technology
                  Center.  This  is  central  data  repository  of  GoN.  This  center  would  be
                  instrumental to integrate Big Data generated by various sources.
                      CBS has come up with national data profile (NDP) portal. This portal is
                  designed in the principle of designated system. There are 5 different themes.
                  Some of the indicators will be highly relied on Big Data.
                      Nepal's new political frame is based on federal structure. There are 753
                  local level and 7 provinces. The constitution has explicitly given the right and
                  responsibilities  to  these  local  and  province  level  governments  in  statistical
                  governance. Generation of data in high granularity is the major challenge at
                  this moment. The usefulness of Big Data in this context is very relevant and
                  the government has given priority to expedite and mix up of different data

                  8.  Conclusion
                      The notion of Big Data is now not only related to its volume, velocity and
                  varieties  but  also  the  citizens'  right  to  information.  Trustworthy  statistical

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