Page 335 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 335

STS700 Suman R. A.
            bring data in an  advanced, objective and widely acceptable formats. Huge
            unused  data  will  be  supplied  for  the  decision  makings  that  take  place  at
            governance and business lives. It will fill gaps in socio-economic data. The new
            technologies  and  knowledge,  if  not  replace,  will  gradually  lessen  the
            traditional sources of data - census and surveys. Despite the future of big data
            is also in 'cloud', it is already penetrating the horizons of national statistical
            system and minds of data users. The NSS of Nepal has curiously looked at the
            big  data  initiative  and  taken  it  as  a  complimentary  wide  source  of  socio-
            economic data. In this connection, the NSO has also introduced the digital
            data in its proposed new Statistics Act. It will no doubt open another door for
            the entry of big data in NSS of Nepal.

            Big data, data supply, NSDS, NSS, NSO, social media, statistical infrastructure,
            statistics act

            1.  Introduction
                Modernization  of  society  with  the  adoption  of  rapid  change  in  the
            technology, more specifically, information and communication technology has
            advanced a new data sources namely Big Data. The term “Big Data” has also
            been coined in Nepal in recent years. The term has been famous in the sector
            of information, communication and technology. Big Data usually mentions to
            moreover large and complex data sets which are often generated with the
            continuous use of ICT tools or ICT based tools. The conventional software
            applications are not suitable to process such big data sets effectively due to
            the  challenge  of  capturing,  storing,  transferring,  and  processing  within  a
            tolerable  time  frame.  However,  the  big  data  of  any  sector  should  be
            transformed  into  usable  statistics  for  the  welfare  of  society.  Statistical
            organizations should utilize the big data to produce a cost-effective statistical
            product that lead to better policies formulation, good decisions and strategic
            business moves.
                Nepal has not more than 70 years of history in the production of modern
            statistics after the conduction of 1952/54 population census. The Nepalese
            statistical  system  exhibits  the  traditional  characteristics  in  terms  of  data
            production and data exploitation for many years. However, in recent couple of
            years, Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) which is a lead government statistical
            organization have made attempts to modernize the data production process
            despite  the  several  statistical  infrastructure  constraints.  Technology
            innovations and its application in day to day life cannot be ignored in global
            context.  Big  data  as  a  by-product  of  day  to  day  application  of  modern
            technology products like use of mobile phones, growing use of internet, use
            of digital transactions has a become a new dimension in the domain of official
            statistics. Nepalese Statistical System also have to be modernized in creating

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