Page 388 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 388

STS2319 Lakshman N. R. et al.
                      Context of Study and Setting: Labor Force Survey (LFS) in Viet Nam
                      This study builds on empirical evidence from Viet Nam on how a switch to
                  CAPI  would  affect  interview  length,  costs,  and  data  quality.  The  study  was
                  conducted as part of an ADB statistics capacity building project that aims to
                  improve data collection and management of national surveys in support of
                  the  Sustainable  Development  Goals  (SDGs)  using  information  and
                  communication technology tools, such as CAPI.
                      The study focuses on one of the major surveys implemented by Viet Nam’s
                  General  Statistics  Office  (GSO),  the  LFS.  The  survey  is  implemented  on  a
                  quarterly basis to obtain estimates of the country’s labor market and serves to
                  lay the groundwork for labor policies. The LFS survey instrument builds on
                  previous  versions  and  is  continuously  updated  based  on  the
                  recommendations of the International Labor Organization (ILO). The survey
                  consists  of  71  questions  grouped  into  three  main  sections,  namely  (a)
                  household  and  resident  information  (b)  respondent  characteristics,  and  (c)
                  questions for classifying economic status. The sampling frame of this survey is
                  based on the 2014 Intercensal Population and Housing Survey and the sample
                  is drawn from a two-stage stratified sample, while the enumeration areas (EAs)
                  are  selected  proportional  to  the  size  of  the  two  independent  sub-sample
                  frames  (urban  and  rural).  The  sample  is  nationally  representative  for  63
                  provinces/cities  and  can  be  disaggregated  quarterly  down  to  6  major
                  economic regions, the cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh,
                  and rural and urban areas.

                      Research Objective
                      Using a randomized roll out of CAPI and PAPI LFS surveys, with a focus on
                  Ho Chi Minh, the study aims to provide answers to the following questions:
                      1.  What effect does CAPI have on interview time?
                      2.  Does CAPI help reduce the number of errors made in the questionnaire
                         and  are  there  implications  for  recruitment  of  enumerators  when
                         switching from PAPI to CAPI?
                      3.  What are the cost implications of switching to CAPI?

                      Data  collection  methods  have  a  bearing  in  the  data  sets  provided  for
                  analysis. The implications are even greater for national statistics systems or
                  offices where quality of data is crucial for them to come up with meaningful
                  insights  to  serve  long  term  policy.  As  such,  it  matters  to  look  at  ways  to
                  improve  data  collection.  This  study  sheds  light  on  the  practicality  and
                  advantage of transitioning to CAPI by looking at tangible benefits such as
                  interview  length  or  time  and  the  reduction  in  errors.  Furthermore,  it  also
                  potentially provides policy input on other variables involved in data collection
                  such as the important characteristics to consider for the hiring enumerators.

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