Page 392 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 392

STS2319 Lakshman N. R. et al.

                   Table 2. CAPI and Interview Time    Table 3. Errors and Enumerator Characteristics

                   VARIABLES                  Duration   VARIABLES                 Error Model
                   Method of Data Collection             Method of Data Collection
                   CAPI (base = PAPI)         -28.52***   CAPI (base = PAPI)        -1.576**
                                               (6.342)                               (0.798)
                   Household Characteristics             Household Characteristics
                   Sex of HH Head (base = Male)   -0.0994   Sex of HH Head (base = Male)   -0.0394
                                               (0.347)                               (0.0437)
                   Age of HH Head            -0.0346***   Age of HH Head           -0.00605***
                                              (0.00731)                             (0.000921)
                   Wage (in thousand VND)    2.66e-05**   Wage (in thousand VND)   2.05e-05***
                                             (1.11e-05)                             (1.40e-06)
                   No. of adults in the HH    2.956***   No. of adults in the HH    0.186***
                                              (0.0791)                              (0.00996)
                   Enumerator Characteristics            Enumerator Characteristics
                   Sex (base = Male)          -17.52***   Sex (base = Male)         -1.529***
                                               (3.031)                               (0.382)
                   Age                        -0.784***   Age                        0.0151
                                              (0.0966)                               (0.0122)
                   Experience (in years)      5.048***   Experience (in years)        0.237
                                               (1.574)                               (0.198)
                   Squared Experience (in years)   -0.0438   Squared Experience (in years)   -0.0139
                                               (0.163)                               (0.0205)
                   Education (base = Below    -12.30***   Education (base = Below    -0.188
                     College level)            (2.233)       College level)          (0.281)
                   Interaction Effect                    Interaction Effect
                   Enumerator and HH head Sex   0.167    Enumerator and HH head Sex   0.0547
                                               (0.415)                               (0.0522)
                   Constant                   61.23***   Constant                    2.108**
                                               (7.558)                               (0.952)
                   Observations                5,332     Observations                 5,332
                   R-squared                   0.788     R-squared                    0.258
                   EA FE                        Yes      EA FE                        Yes
                   Enumerator FE                Yes      Enumerator FE                Yes
                   Dependent variable: Survey                                         Dependent variable: Total
                   Duration (in minutes)                 number of errors
                   Standard errors in parentheses        Standard errors in parentheses
                   *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1        *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

                      It is imperative that before scaling up any technology to ascertain whether
                  the costs make sense. Implementing either CAPI or PAPI involves fixed and
                  variable costs. The cost analysis involves using these cost categories to identify
                  the breakeven point where CAPI becomes more cost effective than PAPI. First,
                  the fixed costs involved include software costs and programming costs. The
                  software costs are both free for PAPI and CAPI, since we are utilizing CSPro
                  which is open source. On the other hand, programming costs involved hiring
                  a programmer/developer for a total of 15 consultancy days for programming
                  PAPI,  and  29  days  for  CAPI.  With  a  consultancy  daily  rate  of  $400  the
                  programming  costs  would  be  $6,000  and  $11,500  for  PAPI  and  CAPI,
                  respectively. In terms of variable costs, these include tablets, data entry costs,

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