Page 409 - Special Topic Session (STS) - Volume 4
P. 409

STS2320 Mohamed A I.
                CI is the proposed composite indicator to be computed; wj is the relative
            weight of the sub-component SC; and n is the number of sub-components
            aggregated to form the composite indicator.

            3.  Results
                GKI scores are distributed on a scale from 0 to 100. Higher scores indicate
            greater  progress  towards  meeting  the  knowledge  requirements  of
            development. Switzerland (73), , Finland (69), Sweden (69), the United States
            (68) and Luxembourg (68) obtained the highest rankings, with scores ranging
            between 68 to 73. The majority of the high-scoring countries either belong to
            the European Union or are located in East Asia. In the Arab region, the top-
            scoring country was the UAE, which was ranked 19th. Despite their relative
            high  scores  compared  to  others,  this  group  of  countries  is  yet  to  achieve
            maximum knowledge efficiency. The lowest scoring countries on the GKI scale
            were mostly Sub-Saharan countries. However, they also included three Arab
            countries and a number of countries in South and West Asia.
                Comparing these results to those of the 2018 Sustainable Development
            Index reveals significant correlation between the two indices in terms of the
            countries  at  the  top  and  bottom  of  the  rankings.  Furthermore,  correlation
            coefficient  analysis  of  the  GKI  and  the  Human  Development  Index  2018
            showed  a  very  high  correlation  of  around  0.8.  An  equally  high  correlation
            between the GKI and the Sustainable Development Goals Index reinforces the
            conceptual  foundation  and  assumption  of  the  GKI  that  there  is  a  strong
            correlation between knowledge and sustainable human development.
                At the sectoral indices level, the lowest scores were recorded in the RDI
            sector and ranged from 8 to 61.9. The highest scores were in the General
            Enabling Environment (between 25.7 and 84.6). The same trend was noted
            when the analysis focused on the best-performing 10 countries and the worst-
            performing 10 countries, although average scores varied (Table 1).

            Table 1. Sectoral average scores of top 10 ranked and lowest 10 ranked countries

                      GKI    Pre-     TVET  Higher     RDI  ICT  Economy  Enabling
                           University       Education                      Environment
             Top10    68      51       68      58      56   64      63         81
             Lowest  30       28       36      28      15   27      32         34

                Country scores in the GKI as a whole, as well as in the sectoral indices,
            reflect large gaps between nations. These gaps also vary between sectors –
            with the widest being in the ICT, RDI and Enabling environment sectors.

            4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                The  Global  Knowledge  Index  was  created,  comprising  six  sectoral
            composite indices and a seventh index measuring the availability of a general

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