Page 183 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 183
CPS1266 Saeed F. et al.
It is worth mentioning that manufacturing establishments with less than
10 workers haven’t been considered in the above target population and a
separate survey is conducted periodically. (Every 10 years)
All the steps in the process shown in the fig1 have different steps and sub-
divisions. In this study a quality- oriented perception will be discussed on
theses sub-divisions which affect the final results. Although there are different
causes and factors which play a role in the quality of results, just some of them
can be controlled and measured. In following, all divisions and they roles will
be described in tables 1 to 5. In these tables, although all the items have a
significant effect (both direct and non-direct) on the quality, some of them are
controllable causes and have underlying affects than others. In tables,
controllable cause has been determined based on experts’ opinions for every
Table1. Process description- step 1
Level Title Sub-divisions Improvable
1 Prerequisite Questionnaire design No
preparations Manuals and guidelines Yes
Frame and sampling Yes
Educational course (Experts & enumerators) Yes
Survey planning and organization No
As classified in table 1, there are 3 subdivisions which are controllable and
affect the data quality. In order to enhance the quality based on manuals and
guidelines, experts should try to clarify questions as much as possible and they
should obey the international recommendations, standards and role to
provide clear concepts for both enumerators and respondents. In addition,
educational courses for all categories can be improved the quality if a
comprehensive reference will provide. Also, Education should be vibrant and
it proportional to new changes in target population.
Meanwhile, the section which need to be consider particularly is the
statistical frame and sampling. It is necessary to control the frame full coverage
and try to minimize the under coverage. In parallel, selecting an effective
sampling method with minimum sampling error and considering all fund
limitations and workforce is an undeniable issue to find optimum way.
Regarding to the annual conduction of manufacturing establishments’ survey,
all of sub-divisions in level 1 (prerequisite preparations) should be revised and
updated in a very optimum way. The next step in the process is shown in
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