Page 184 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 1
P. 184
CPS1266 Saeed F. et al.
Table2. Process description- step 2
Level Title Sub-divisions Improvable
2 Field Face to Face interview Yes
operation Data receiving by E-mail, Fax or No
telephone No
Progress continues reporting Yes
Planning for non-cooperation units No
Inspection the process Yes
Data entry to systematic software
In the level 2 of the process, operational enumerations and data gathering
in paper questionnaire in pre-scheduled time will be completed. Although,
there are different data gathering methods (face-to-face, telephone, email, fax
etc.), answers from respondents are considered as accurate and basic data
(even the data have conformity with financial statements or not). In this level,
all necessary data have been gathered by enumerator or by manufacturing
establishment itself and in data entry process all of the data gathered in paper
forms or other means registered in the database. Based on provided
information, improving the data quality is not controlled directly and related
office in the SCI just can inspect the overall process. Subsequent step contains
initial data purifying describe in table3.
Table3. Process description- step 3
Level Title Sub-divisions Improvable
3 Initial Verification and revision Yes
Data cleansing Primary technical Editing Yes
Case controlling Yes
Completion of non-cooperation units Yes
In this level, verification of data entry level will be examined to diminish
the data entry’s errors. Generally, a kind of weighted sampling and critical level
of 5% and less for accepting the errors will be exerted. In this activity, two
independent persons should register the data to prevent the errors again.
After the data entry and verification, at the higher level, preliminary technical
editing shall be done. This task includes the first questionnaire revision to be
insure of completion, mathematical errors, dependency and mathematical-
related errors. In the next step, accuracy and precision of questionnaire will be
reviewed and finally, it will confirm by educated and experienced experts who
are holding the surveys in provincials. Further, they control the practical errors,
inspect the overall survey holding process, revisers and the enumerators,
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