Page 158 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 158
CPS1488 Willem van den B. et al.
2. Methodology
Let { } denote a partition of {1,...,n} into K ≥ 1 parts such that
={1,….,n} and Sj ∩Sk =∅ for j 6= k. Denote the number of elements in Sk
by nk = |Sk|. Let ySk denote the nk dimensional vector obtained by selecting the
elements from y with indices in Sk. Since the observation errors in (1) are
independent, the density of y given f factorizes as
2 ()|| }
(|) = ∏ ( |) = ∏ { |ℎ (), } ∝ ∏ exp {− 2 || − ℎ
=1 =1 =1
where the vectorℎ () relates to the vector ℎ() like ySk relates to y. Consider
an embedding F ∈ R of the function f such that a Gaussian () implies the
prior F ∼ N(µ0, Σ0) for some d-dimensional mean vector µ0 and an d×d
covariance matrix Σ0. For instance, if f : R → R and () is a Gaussian process,
then a discretization of f stored in a vector is a suitable F, and µ0 and Σ0 follow
from the parameters of the Gaussian process. Define H : R → R such that ()
= ℎ(). Using that F ∼ N(µ0, Σ0), the posterior density on F follows by the last
display as
(|) ∝ (| , ∑ )(|) ∝ exp {− ( − ) ∑ ( − }
2 0
∏ exp {− 2 1 2 || − ()|| } .
This expression for ( | ) suggests a factorized approximating
distribution for use in EP. Denote the approximation to the posterior density
( | ) by
() = (|, ∑) ∝ ∏ () = ∏ (| , ∑ ) (3)
with the d-dimensional mean vectors µ and µk and the d × d covariance
matrices Σ and Σk. This sets () = () = N(F | µ0, Σ0) while (), =
1, . . . , , are learnt from the data. EP repeatedly updates µk and Σk for each =
1, . . . , such that the moments of the unnormalized densities
1 2
() () and () {− || − ()|| } (4)
2 2
match, where () ∝ ()/ () is the density of the cavity distribution.
For notational convenience, define the natural parameters of the Gaussian
distributions: Λ = Σ , Λ = ∑ , = Λ, and = µ . Then, expanding the
squares inside the exponentials and collecting the terms in (3) reveals Λ =
∑ Λ and. = ∑ . Define Λ \ = Λ − Λ and \ = − . Then,
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