Page 160 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 160

CPS1488 Willem van den B. et al.
                  Let µIS and ΣIS denote the importance sampling estimates of the mean and
                                                            1                2
                  covariance, respectively, of  ()  {−  2 2  ||   −  ()|| }. Then, the EP
                  updates of matching the moments in (4) follow as
                                             = ∑ −1  IS −   and  Λ = ∑ −1 −Λ .      (7)
                  Here, ΣIS is a  sample covariance matrix and it is  challenging to estimate its
                  (  +  1)/2 elements from importance samples. We therefore regularize ΣIS
                  and consider two options for this. With linearization, we had Λ =    Λ in (6)
                  such that nk is an upper limit to its rank. One regularization is therefore to
                  adjust ΣIS in (7) such that only a limited number of largest eigenvalues of Λk are
                  nonzero. This regularization will hurt approximation accuracy less if the map
                  HSk is smoother. Another regularization can come from the problem context in
                  (1).  For  instance  in  the heat  equation  example, where  f  is  the  temperature
                  distribution, both the prior and posterior covariance of f could be expected to
                  concentrate near the diagonal since temperatures close to each other influence
                  each other more than those further apart. We can exploit this by covariance
                  tapering  (Furrer  et  al.,  2006)  of  ΣIS as  a  form  of  regularization.  We  use  the
                  Wendland1  taper  as  given  in  Furrer  et  al.  (2006,  Table  1).  Algorithm  1
                  summarizes EP-IS.

                  3.  Result
                      To show the benefits of EP-IS, we conduct a simulation study. Set the prior
                  on  ∶    →    to () =  GP{0, (, 0′a  Gaussian  process  with  covariance
                  function (, ′) =  exp{−400(  −  ′)2}.
                  Define the discretization   = {(0), (1/99), (2/99), . . . , (1)} such that d =
                  100. Define the d × d


                  Figure 1: The posterior mean (line) and 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles (shaded area)
                  of ( | ) as estimated by the Metropolis sampler in green and dashed line
                  overlaid with the same for the approximation () in blue and solid line.

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