Page 205 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 205

CPS1824 Sanggi L.
            used are household size, type of living quarters, occupancy type, apartment
            area, sex, age, etc.

            2.2 Following rules
                The panel sample has evolved over time with household structure changes.
            Some  individuals  move  out  to  form  their  own  household,  others  move
            overseas or die, and other individuals move in, or are born. All members of
            sample household in 2015 are considered Permanent Sample Members(PSM).
            All other members are Temporary Sample Members(TSM), and are considered
            part  of  the  sample  for  as  long  as  they  share  a  household  with  a  PSM.  It
            corresponds to ‘initial population plus current cohabiters’ of type suggested

                Figure-1: Examples of the longitudinal development of a panel (Lynn, 2006)
            Table-1 : Number of samples in the KPCLS
                                                          (unit : households, persons, %)
                                          wave 1                wave 3
                                                     wave 2                (B-A)/A
                                            (A)                   (B)
              Cross-        Household     382,218   411,215    427,839    11.9
              sectional     HH members   953,430   1,045,631   1,083,501   13.6
             Longitudinal    HH members             929,808    908,105

                Population  changes  by  immigration,  emigration,  births  and  deaths.
            Emigrants,  births  and  deaths  can  be  captured  by  following  rules,  but  it  is
            difficult to find immigrants after the wave 1 by following rules. Therefore as
            time goes on, the sample will gradually differ from the target population,
            which  affects  the  reliability  of  the  cross-sectional  estimates.  To  solve  this
            problem, there are methods such as introducing rotational panels or top-up

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