Page 209 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 209

CPS1824 Sanggi L.
                Table-3 shows estimation results of net addition of population by birth in
            shared weights method and direct calculation method. There is no significant
            difference in the 0 years old by 2016, but the difference is significant in the 0-
            1  years  old  by  2017.  Direct  calculation  method  includes  99.3%  of  the
            population, but shared weights method includes only 84.1%. Also in shared
            weights method, weights less than 1 occur.
            Table-3 : estimation  results
                                                                       (unit : persons, %)
             Reference                   shared weights          direct calculations
             year     classification   pop.(A)
                                         est.(B)    B/A   min   max   est.(C)    C/A   min   max
             2016     0 years old    410,052   402,203   98.1   1.0   99.0    403,140   98.3   2.0    104.6
             2017     0-1   years   771,317   648,560   84.1   0.7    111.2   765,758   99.3   2.1    104.2

            3.5. Examples
                Figure 2 shows that the initial weights for household with general entrants
            who were in the population at wave 1 are assigned as (H1) =             .
                                                                          1−(1− 1 )(1− 2 )
            And figure 3 shows that the initial weights for births or recent immigrants who
            were not in the population at wave 1 are assigned as (H1) =  .

                               Figure-2: General entry             Figure-3: Birth, Recent immigrants

                Those  for  household  split  are  calculated  as (H2) =        .  For
                                                                     1−(1− 1 )(1− 2 )
            household merge, the initial weights are computed as (H1) =             .
                                                                          1−(1− 1 )(1− 2 )
            As a result in the method of directly calculating the selection probability and
            assigning the initial weight, the only wave 1 selection probability is important
            regardless  of  the  type  of  variation  of  the  household  composition  such  as
            household split, merging household, birth, etc.

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