Page 254 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 254

CPS1849 Shaymaa Wael A.R.
                      Table 1: Distribution of Unpaid Family Workers by Region According to some
                      Demographic and Socio economic Characteristics of workers* in Egypt 2015
                   Characteristic    Urban Gov.   Lower Gov.   Upper Gov.   Total       test
                                   %     N     %     N       %      N     %     N
                                                  SEX                                  0.000
                       Male       25.7   446   23.9   293   27.3   339   25.6   1078
                      Female      74.3   1288   72.7   905   76.1   936   74.4   3129
                       10-18      8.5   147   16.7   208    9.9    122   11.3   477
                       19-29      13.8   239   25.9   322   20     246   19.2   807
                       30-59      56.8   986   48.8   606   59.7   734   55.3   2326
                       60+        20.9   363   8.6   107    10.3   127   14.2   597
                                         EDUCATIONAL STATUS                            0.000
                   Not educated   24.4   423   46.3   575   31.7   389    33   1387
                   Prim & Prep    21.2   368   22.3   277   17.2   212   20.4   857
                     Secondary    25.8   447   21.6   269   34.3   422   27.1   1138
                   Univ & higher   28.6   396   9.8   122   16.8   207   19.6   825
                                            MARITAL STATUS                             0.000
                     Under Age    4.3    75    8.1   100    4.7    58     5.5   233
                       Single     11.8   205   15    186    10.4   128   12.3   519
                      Married     74.8   1297   73   907    79.3   975   75.6   3179
                     Divorced      2     35    0.4    5     0.7    10     1.2   50
                     Widowed       7    122    3.5   44     4.9    60     5.4   226
                                             WORK STATUS                               0.000
                        Yes       22.1   383   29.8   371   28.1   345   26.1   1099
                        No        77.9   1352   70.2   872   71.9   884   73.9   3108
                       Total      41.2   1734   29.6   1243   29.2   1229   100   4207

                  Source: calculated from ETUS 2015.
                  *  test showed significant relationship between all characteristics and unpaid work

                      Regarding Gender, it can be noticed that female participation in unpaid
                  family work is nearly triple the proportion of male participation as shown in
                  figure 1. This is expected in society like Egypt as women engage in caregiving
                  tasks more frequently than men, but they do so overlapping these tasks with
                  other domestic  activities that are also covered in the survey. According to
                  EUTS,  women  contribution  in  unpaid  work  is  estimated  with  5.179  Billion
                  Pounds  annually  versus  1.374  Billion  Pounds  for  men  contribution.  If  we
                  related  this  to  the  GDP  report  2014  by  the  Ministry  of  Planning,  then  the
                  economic value for women unpaid work would represent 25.9% from the GDP
                  versus only 6.9% form men contribution from the GDP. This indicates that
                  females are more likely to be involved in unpaid work than males. (EUTS, 2015)

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