Page 257 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 257

CPS1849 Shaymaa Wael A.R.
               Figure 5: The Percentage of Unpaid Workers among Regions by Work Status in
                                             Egypt 2015

            Estimation Procedures
            Step  1:  according  to  the  survey  data,  it  is  indicated  that  68.3%  of  urban
            governorates citizens are involved in unpaid work versus 59.2% in Lower Egypt
            and  62.8%  in  Upper  Egypt.  According  to  the  Department  of  Population
            Projection in CAPMAS the total population aged (10-64) reached 11455653 in
            urban governorates, 28165267 in Lower Egypt and 24874313in Upper Egypt
            in 1/7/2015. In this step estimation is made for the number of unpaid workers
            by multiplying the targeted population in every region by the percentage of
            unpaid work regionally as follows:
             Region              Population    % of Unpaid work    # of unpaid workers
             Urban governorates   11455653     0.683               7824211
             Lower Egypt         28165267      0.628               17687787
             Upper Egypt         24874313      0.592               14725593
             Total Egypt         65709358      0.622               40739802

            Step 2: from the survey data, the average value of unpaid work per person/day
            is calculated and the results show that average value of unpaid work reached
            75.2 LE in urban governorates versus 40.2 LE in Lower Egypt and 29.1 LE in
            Upper  Egypt.  In  order  to  estimate  the  annual  cost  of  unpaid  work  among
            regions, the value of unpaid work per day is multiplied by the days of the year
            as follows:
             Region              Unpaid  work  Days of the year    # of unpaid workers
                                 value per day
             Urban governorates   75.2 LE      365                 27448 LE
             Lower Egypt         40.2 LE       365                 14673 LE
             Upper Egypt         29.1 LE       365                 10621 LE
             Total Egypt         44 LE         365                 16060 LE

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