Page 249 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 249

CPS1846 Maryam I. et al.
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            11.  P. Jones. The reliability of global and hemispheric surface temperature
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            12.  P.D. Jones, D.H. Lister, T.J. Osborn, C. Harpham, M. Salmon, and C.P.
                 Morice. Hemispheric and large-scale land-surface air temperature
                 variations: An extensive revision and an update to 2010. Journal of
                 Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 117(D5), 2012.
            13.  J.J Kennedy. A review of uncertainty in in situ measurements and data
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            14.  J.J. Kennedy, N.A. Rayner, R.O. Smith, D.E. Parker, and M. Saunby.
                 Reassessing biases and other uncertainties in sea surface temperature
                 observations measured in situ since 1850: 2. Biases and homogenization.
                 Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 116(D14), 2011a.
            15.  J.J. Kennedy, N.A. Rayner, R.O. Smith, D.E. Parker, and M. Saunby.
                 Reassessing biases and other uncertainties in sea surface temperature
                 observations measured in situ since 1850: 1. Measurement and sampling
                 uncertainties. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 116(D14),
            16.  K.A. McKinnon, A. Poppick, E. Dunn-Sigouin, and C. Deser. An
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            17.  S.F. Milton and P. Earnshaw. Evaluation of surface water and energy
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            18.  C.P. Morice, J.J. Kennedy, N.A. Rayner, and P.D. Jones. Quantifying
                 uncertainties in global and regional temperature change using an
                 ensemble of observational estimates: The HadCRUT4 data set. Journal of
                 Geophysical Research: Atmospheres (1984–2012), 117(D8), 2012.
            19.  D. Nychka, S. Bandyopadhyay, D. Hammerling, F. Lindgren, and S. Sain. A
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            20.  N.A. Rayner, P. Brohan, D.E. Parker, C.K. Folland, J.J. Kennedy, M. Vanicek,
                 T.J. Ansell, and S.F.B. Tett. Improved analyses of changes and
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                 nineteenth century: The HadSST2 dataset. Journal of Climate, 19 (3):446–
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            21.  R. Rhode, R.A. Muller, R. Jacobsen, E. Muller, S. Perlmutter, A. Rosenfeld,
                 J. Wurtele, D. Groom, and C. Wickham. A new estimate of the average

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