Page 325 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 325

CPS1874 Yiyao Chen et al.
            3.  Results
                To illustrate the methodology we consider a risk model for prostate cancer
            that would use as training and test sets, the 18727 participants from the PLCO
            Trial  and  26408  participants  of  SELECT,  respectively.  The  prediction  model
            would be implemented with logistic regression using the covariates prostate-
            specific antigen (PSA), race, age, family history, prior biopsy and prior benign
            prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), respectively. Table 1 presents the comparison of
            characteristics between PLCO and SELECT. Participants from the PLCO and
            SELECT differ significantly in race, family history, prior biopsy and BPH, but not
            in terms of age and PSA.
                Table  1:  Characteristics  of  risk  factors,  biopsy  and  prostate  cancer
            diagnoses of PLCO and SELECT. The  values are given by Wilcoxon tests for
            age and PSA values, while for categorical variables, by chi-square tests.
                                        PLCO           SELECT          p values
                                        18727          26408
                 Age (year)
                   Median               62             62              0.30
                   (Min., Max.)         (49, 75)       (50, 93)
                 PSA (ng/ml)
                   Median               1.1            1.1             0.06
                   (Min., Max.)         (0, 1137.5)    (0, 4.1)
                 Race, n(%)
                 African ancestry       775 (4.1 %)    3542 (13.4 %)   < 0.001
                 Others                 17952 (95.9 %)   22866 (86.6 %)

                 1st-degree family history,
                   Yes                  1453 (7.8%)    4568 (17.3%)    < 0.001
                   No                   17274 (92.2%)   21840 (82.7%)
                 Prior negative biopsy, n(%)
                   Yes                  889 (4.7%)     2322 (8.8%)     < 0.001
                   No                   17838 (95.3%)   24086 (91.2%)
                 Prior BPH, n(%)
                   Yes                  3541 (18.9%)   4460 (16.9%)    < 0.001
                   No                   15186 (81.1%)   21948 (83.1%)
                 Biopsy, n(%)
                   Yes                  3480 (18.6%)   3984 (15.1%)    < 0.001
                   No                   15247 (81.4%)   22424 (84.9%)
                 Prostate cancer, n(%)
                   Yes                  2155 (11.5%)   1866 (7.1%)     < 0.001
                   No                   16572 (88.5%)   24542 (92.9%)

                We  guide  the  choice  of   () −  () by  examining  the  observed
            proportions of participants that received biopsy among those in the PLCO and
            SELECT with risk greater than the threshold versus less than the threshold,
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