Page 348 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 348

CPS1879 Zineb El O.T.
                      The adjusted labour force participation rate increases to 20.0%, the gap
                  between disabled and non-disabled in terms of labour force participation rate
                  moves from 35.3% to approximately 29.0%. which means that a part of the
                  disabled population is out of the labour market not only because of disability,
                  but it is the combined effect of age and disability.
                     Figure 4: Adjusted and unadjusted  unemployement rate for peolple with and
                                                without disability

                                            with disability  Without disability


                                               16%                  16%

                                   Unadjuste unemployement rate  Adjusted unemployement rate

                              Source: 2014 Population and Housing Census of Morocco

                      The unemployment rate is also influenced by the age structure, eleven
                  percentage point difference in unemployment rate between people with and
                  without disability, working age individuals with a disability experience higher
                  rate  of  unemployment  than  their  non-disabled  peers,  it  is  important  to
                  determine  the  real  gap  and  to  understand  exactly  why  they  face  greater
                  constraints in finding a job.

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      Because of the strong connection between disability prevalence and age,
                  and the changing nature of barriers, and the impact of age of onset on the
                  impact of disability, clearly, age adjustment should be made, for clarification
                  purpose, let’s take the example of education, access to education in general is
                  increasing over time.  Just looking at people without disabilities, you would
                  expect to see primary school completion to be falling as you look at older
                  cohorts.  Add  to  that  the  fact  that,  hopefully,  the  barriers  to  education  for
                  disabled people should be falling.  So we might think we will have lower overall
                  education rates for older people but bigger gaps because there were barriers
                  long ago. But probably not, because this is even more complicated because
                  most  older  people  with  disabilities  acquired  their  disability  after  their

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