Page 346 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 346

CPS1879 Zineb El O.T.
                  2.  Methodology
                      In epidemiology and demography, age  adjustment,      also  called age
                  standardization,  is  a  technique  used  to  allow  populations  to  be compared
                  when the age profiles of the populations are quite different. The direct method
                  of  standardization  involves  the  application  of  age-specific  rates  in  a
                  population  of  interest  to  a  standard  age  distribution  in  order  to  eliminate
                  differences  in  observed  rates  that  result  from  differences  in  population
                  composition. The resulting age standardized rate may be named Age Adjusted
                      An age-adjusted rate adjusted by the direct method produces a rate that
                  would occur if the observed age-specific rates in the study population were
                  present in a population with an age distribution equal to that of the standard
                  population. Similarly, the age adjusted rate is the rate that would occur if the
                  observed  age  specific  rates  in  the  study  population  were  present  in  a
                  population with the age distribution of the standard.
                      The requirements for this calculation are:

                         •  Number of events for each age group in the study population
                         •  Population estimates for each age group in the study population
                         •  Population for each age group in the standard population

                    is the observed number of events in age group i in the study population
                    is the number of persons in age group i in the study population
                    is the event rate in study population for the persons in age group i
                    is the number of persons in age group i in the standard population
                    is the expected number of events in age group i in the standard
                  For each age category, the age-specific (crude) rate is calculated by dividing
                  the number of events by the study population for that age category.

                  Age-specific crude rate =  =  / 
                  For each age category, the age-specific crude rate is multiplied by the age-
                  specific standard population to obtain the expected number of events.

                  Age-specific expected events = E   = r  * P
                  The Standardized Rate is the sum of all expected events divided by the
                  total standard population


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