Page 344 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 344

CPS1879 Zineb El O.T.

                                 Age-adjustment or direct standardization to
                               compare indicators disaggregated by disability
                                          Zineb El Ouazzani Touhami
                      Statistician, Division of Population Census and Vital, Statistics, Directorate of Statistics
                                           High Commission for Planning
                                                  Rabat, Moroco

                  The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD),  and the
                  recently adopted 2030 Agenda, emphasize the need to guarantee the rights
                  of persons with disabilities to equal and accessible education; social, economic
                  and  political  inclusion.  One  of  the  main  purposes  of  collecting  data  on
                  disability is to assess equalization of opportunities. To track whether society is
                  becoming  more  inclusive,  also  to  determine  whether  the  opportunity  gap
                  between persons with disabilities and those without disabilities is closing. To
                  assess whether those with and without disabilities have equal opportunities to
                  participate in society. But the task of comparing indicators of persons with
                  disabilities against those without disabilities is not easy one, if we consider the
                  difference of age structure of both populations disabled and not disabled. A
                  population with a higher proportion of elderly people will have a lower overall
                  crude labour force participation rate and a higher illiteracy because the risk of
                  being  disabled  is  greater  with  increasing  age.  Because  of  the  strong
                  connection between disability prevalence and age, and the impact of age of
                  onset on the impact of disability, clearly, age adjustment should be made. In
                  this paper we suggest the use of the direct method of standardization which
                  is  a  way  to  make  fairer  comparisons  between  groups  with  different  age
                  distributions.  Age  adjustment  can  make  the  different  groups  more

                  disability; rate;  gap; equalization; adjustment

                  1.  Introduction
                      Recently the question of disability is increasingly seen as a human rights
                  problem, especially after the ratification of the United Nation Convention on
                  the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).  The Convention is a  human
                  rights instrument, to protect and ensure the full and equal enjoyment of all
                  human rights and fundamental freedoms by all persons with disabilities, and
                  to promote respect for their inherent dignity.
                      Consequently, it was felt necessary to collect information on person with
                  disabilities,  and  all  United  Nation  disability  documents  have  stressed  the

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