Page 370 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 370

CPS1888 Chen C. et al.
                  directly collected), which can provide reliable benchmarks or useful auxiliary
                  information to the GST data use. The method is mainly applied to small and
                  medium-sized GST groups where employment data can be used to apportion
                  GST data to the individual group members. As quality of the apportionment
                  process cannot be easily measured, we constrain the use of the method to less
                  than 5 percent of total industry value.
                      Other  sources  approach  -  This  method  is  used  when  the  GST  data  is
                  deemed as not suitable for use, therefore non-administrative data sources are
                  used to produce statistical output, e.g. a quarterly managed collection. This is
                  further discussed in the next section.

                  2.3 Statistical Challenges
                      The major issues that needed to be resolved was for businesses where GST
                  use was not suitable, and variables are required that are not in GST or other
                  administrative datasets.
                     Managed collection strategy - The strategy was developed to provide a
                  framework  that  identifies  businesses  in  which  administrative  data  are  not
                  suitable for our statistical use. These businesses are included in a Stats NZ
                  quarterly managed collection where we will continue to collect key economic
                  variables that are required on a quarterly basis. A managed collection can be
                  established  using  three  guiding  principles:  significance,  dominance,  and
                  complexity.  For  example,  the  business  rules  implemented  in  the  current
                  quarterly outputs are listed below.
                     • A $100-million significance rule - if an enterprise, or group of enterprises
                      linked by ownership, have an annual GST turnover of more than $100
                     • A 3 percent industry dominance rule - if an enterprise makes more than a
                      3 percent contribution to annual total income for an industry.
                     • A structure complexity rule - all enterprises that have a significant level of
                      activity across more than one industry.
                     Approaches for missing variables - A statistical challenge we had moving
                  to the ‘administrative data first’ approach is how to produce statistical outputs
                  for variables not in administrative datasets, such as  inventories (or  stocks).
                  Quarterly inventory measures are required for the National Accounts (NA) in
                  the production of GDP, but there is no quarterly inventories data available in
                  GST  or  other  administrative  sources.  We  established  several  methods  for
                  measuring the missing variables. The ones have been implemented to produce
                  inventories include:
                     • Benchmark to annual approach – estimates are obtained by ‘rating up’ the
                      aggregate  managed  collection  inventory  series  using  annual  financial
                      data. This method is applicable where the managed collection capture

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