Page 373 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 373

CPS1888 Chen C. et al.
            Figure 3 – sales activity in Kaikoura

            4.  Current Work
                Following the realisation of an administrative data first approach in the
            quarterly financial statistics, we are currently redeveloping our quarterly
            labour demand statistics. Stats NZ’s Quarterly Employment Survey (QES)
            produces a range of employment information, including filled jobs, earnings,
            and paid hours. At present it is a sample survey of employing businesses in
            New Zealand.
                In the new QES design, we are applying similar thinking to leverage off
            the existing methods and systems described for quarterly financial statistics
            in section 2. This includes:
            •   Expanding the variables in the managed collection to collect
                employment data from large and complex businesses. For the remaining
                employing businesses, we will use EMS data from IRD.

            •   Assessing the conceptual alignment of EMS earnings information with
                salaries and wages data in our annual financial collection.
            •   Measuring variables not in the EMS data, such as paid hours and full-
                time and part-time employee counts

            5.  Conclusion
                Stats NZ has developed an administrative data first approach for the
            production of economic statistics. This has resulted in a new design for our
            quarterly financial collections. A range of methodologies was developed to
            maximise the use of administrative data.
                The new approach has created great efficiency in our existing outputs,
            we have achieved significant reduction in response burden. The new
            approach has also enabled us to create new financial indicators for most
            industries in the economy, to support Stats NZ’s key developments. And the

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