Page 371 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 371

CPS1888 Chen C. et al.
                 quarterly change in inventories and a significant proportion of inventory
               • Model  from  annuals  approach  –  estimates  are  obtained  by  statistical
                 models using the relationship between GST data and inventories in our
                 annual  financial  collection.  This  method  is  suitable  for  some  smaller
                 industries  where  the  inventory  levels  remain  relatively  consistent  over
               • Sample survey approach – If the above methods are not fit for purpose, a
                 stratified  random  sample  survey  is  required.  The  sample  only  collects
                 inventories data. This is applicable to larger industries where the managed
                 collection inventory contribution is low.

            3.  Application

            a.  Producing efficiencies in existing outputs
                The  new  approach  was  successfully  implemented  in  the  existing  retail
            trade,  manufacturing  and  wholesale  trade  outputs.  GST  sales  data  is  used
            wherever  possible,  supplemented  by  a  managed  collection  of  large  and
            complex  businesses  where  we  continue  to  collect  sales,  inventories,  and
            salaries and wages on a quarterly basis.

             Table 1 – businesses directly collected vs. modelled by admin data (March 2018
                  Industry      Managed     Stocks only   admin data  population
                                Collection    survey
             Manufacturing         295         75         20,760       21,130     50%
             Wholesale trade       260         230        16,590       17,080     40%
             Retail trade          380          -         48,440       48,820     90%
             Selected services     75           -         43,165       43,240     60%
             Rest of economy       730          -         394,780     395,510
             Total                1,740        305        523,735     525,780

                This has resulted in a sizeable reduction in respondent burden. As table 1
            shows,  we  achieved  a  50%  sample  reduction  across  the  Manufacturing,
            Wholesale Trade and selected Services outputs. The direct collection for the
            Retail Trade sector is reduced from close to 3000 business to around 380.We
            also found evidence that the series produced by the new design are of better

            3.2 Extending variable and industry coverage
                The  success  of  implementing  the  new  approach  in  existing  quarterly
            outputs has built a solid foundation for expanding the methodologies to cover
            more industries and to measure new variables. An opportunity for a greater

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