Page 377 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 377

CPS1889 Subanar
            2.2. Neural network for time series modeling
                The capability of NN in approximating any types of relationships in data
            makes this method received great attention in complex time series forecasting.
            NN is not only powerful in modeling nonlinear processes but also in the linear
            one (Zhang, Patuwo, & Hu, 1998).

                                 Figure 2: Architecture of NN (24-10-1)

                In this study, the architecture of NN (see Figure 2)  which consists of  a
            number  of  input  nodes,  hidden  nodes  and  one  output  node  is  trained  by
            backpropagation algorithm based on the Levenberg Marquardt method. The
            activation function for the hidden nodes is tansig while for the output node is
            purelin/identity function.

                As described in Figure 2, the forecast value of the ith subseries ( ) can
            be calculated by formula
                                          ()  = ∑   
            where   is the weight that connects the th hidden node to the output node

              ()  = ( + ∑ 24    ) = 2/{1 − exp[−2( + ∑ 24    )]} − 1.
                Notation   denotes the weight connecting the th input node to the th
            hidden node while   is the weight for the bias node. The function  is tansig
            function provided in Matlab.

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