Page 380 - Contributed Paper Session (CPS) - Volume 2
P. 380

CPS1889 Subanar
                      Figure 4: (a) An hourly electricity load Jawa-Bali for period 1 October -1
                  December 2016; (b) wcorrelation matrix for L = 672; (c) w-correlation matrix
                  between groups;and (d) four subseries as a result of SSA decomposition
                      Each  subseries,  {for  = 1, … ,4 and  = 1,2, … ,  − 24},  is  modeled  by
                  NN. A number of input nodes (6, 12, and 24) and hidden nodes (1 to 10) are
                  combined to find the best fit model, that is produce the smallest RMSE and
                  MAPE. The final forecast value is the sum of the forecast value obtained by the
                  four NN model.
                      The  results  are  summarized  in  Table  1.  In  this  case,  we  consider  1464
                  observations (1 October – 30 November 2016) as the training data and 24
                  observations (1 December 2016) as the testing data. SSALRF(86, 672) means
                  that the model is reconstructed by the 86 first eigentriples and window length
                  is 672. NN(24-10-1) denotes that the network has 24 input nodes, 10 hidden
                  nodes,  and  1  output.  Results  show  that  the  proposed  hybrid  method
                  outperforms SSA-LRF(86,672) and NN(24-10-1).

                  Table 1: Comparison of RMSEs and MAPEs for the training and testing data obtained
                               by SSA-LRF, NN, and the proposed hybrid NN method
                      No   Method                   Training           Testing
                                                    RMSE      MAPE  RMSE         MAPE
                      1     SSA-LRF(86,672)         153.02    0.57%  236.78      0.96%
                      2     NN(24-10-1)             137.09    0.50%  116.15      0.41%
                      3     Proposed hybrid NN*     76.24     0.29%  64.29       0.24%
                  *obtained from NN(24-9-1)+NN(24-9-1)+NN(24-10-1)+NN(24-10-1)

                  4.  Discussion and Conclusion
                      The proposed hybrid NN approach is built based on SSA decomposition
                  method. The hourly electricity load of Jawa-Bali is considered in this study due
                  to  its  complex  pattern  and  thus  we  can  show  that  the  proposed  method
                  overcomes this forecasting problem. The same data has also been used by
                  Sulandari,  Subanar,  Lee,  &  Rodrigues  (2019).  Sulandari  et  al.  (2019)  also
                  discussed  the  SSA-based  method  for  the  load  forecasting  with  a  different
                  approach where NN was applied to model the residuals of the SSA-LRF model.
                  Meanwhile, in this study, NN is implemented to model each component of the
                  SSA decomposition result and then combine them as an ensemble NN. This
                  proposed method can improve the forecasting accuracy of SSA-LRF and single
                  NN for the load series.
                      Based on the experimental result, we find that the best input nodes for all
                  subseries are 24. This is perhaps related to the seasonal period of the original
                  series, although the subseries does not show a seasonal pattern. The choice of
                  window length and how we group eigentriples of course influence the results.

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